Adams, William

Descendants of :

William ADAMS

Generation 1

1. William ADAMS was born ABT 1817 in England and died 30 Apr 1890 in York, SA. He married Janet MARSHALL 17 May 1869 in Hog Bay Post Office, Kangaroo Island, SA. She was born 1803 and died 20 Oct 1876 in Hog Bay, Kangaroo Island, SA, daughter of William MARSHALL. He married Elizabeth LONG 07 Nov 1877 in Adelaide, SA. She was born ABT 1817 and died 23 Nov 1883 in Beverley. SA, daughter of Matthew LONG. He married Mary Ann COOK 09 Mar 1885 in Adelaide, SA. She was born 1822 and died 06 Aug 1903 in York, SA, daughter of William Gillard COOK.

Other events in the life of William ADAMS
Burial: in Beverley Primitive Methodist Cemetery
Occupation: in Sawyer, farmer
Immigration: 11 Sep 1836 in Cygnet

Last Updated 14 June 2019

See separate report for descendants of Janet Marshall (who also arrived on the Cygnet with first husband Robert Bristow)