Lesson AMF-8
Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson.
Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience.
Lesson goals
Give Feke feedback, follow the template in order to select a topic, decide on sources to use in my writing and to either quote, paraphrase or summarise them as a part of my essay.
Lesson activities
Feedback to Feke
Essay preparation
Feedback to Feke
Please wait for Feke to share the code
Essay preparation
Your goal is to write a ~400-800 word essay to which you may bring up to 200 words.
Please follow the checklist
To begin with, select and introduce a topic:
Genetic engineering
The climate crisis
Social media
Secondly, decide on your sources
Select from the articles that we have read during class (or select your own)
Thirdly, quote, paraphrase or summarise your sources.
Time for the activity: ~10 minutes
This activity helps your take steps toward our goal to be well-prepared for our future essay
Please answer the questions. The answer will be your exit ticket.
What is your essay topic
What is your prediction - your warning to the future?
🕒~20 minutes discussion
👥Together with a classmate
⏰ 10 minutes
✏️ 200-300 words
🎯 Develop your discussion and writing skills
Choose a theme, discuss it with your classmate(s) and take notes
Euthanasia (intentionally ending a life)
Stirrings (emotions)
What is euthanasia, and how is it portrayed in The Giver?
Why might some people see euthanasia as a right?
Why might some people see euthanasia as a wrong?
Why do you think this themes might lead to the book being challenged or banned?
How does the society in The Giver suppress emotions?
What emotions are unwanted in our soceity?
What are the similarities and differences between the book's society and our own?
Why do you think this themes might lead to the book being challenged or banned?
Share a summary of your discussion with the class. This is your exit ticket.
🕒~20 minutes discussion
👥Together with a classmate
Choose a theme, discuss it with your classmate(s) and take notes
Euthanasia (intentionally ending a life)
Stirrings (emotions)
How is euthanasia depicted in The Giver?
What are the potential ways euthanasia can be misused? Make a list of arguments.
How can euthanasia be benefitial? Make a list of arguments.
The depiction of euthanasia is one of the reasons The Giver is a banned book. Is is correct to shield students from reading about euthanasia or not? Why?
How does the society in The Giver suppress emotions?
In our society, what emotions do we suppress? Why?
How does our society use drugs to manage emotions like anxiety or mood swings?
Why do you think themes such as strong emotions, sexuality and reaching puberty might lead to the book being challenged or banned?
Share a summary of your discussion with the class. This is your exit ticket.
Continue writing your text.
Exit ticket
My warning to the future is ...