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Learning goals
Learn to write about the central themes from the book The Giver
Lesson exercises
Vocabulary exercise
Theme developing exercise
Writing exercise
Vocabulary exercise
🕒~15-20 minutes
This develops your vocabulary
Connect the vocabulary to the left with the appropriate definitions to the right
Once done, you may check the answer key below to check your answers
Answer key
Dwelling (Bostad) ➜ A place to live, like a house (D)
Transgression (Överträdelse) ➜ Doing something wrong or breaking a rule (I)
Chastisement (Bestraffning) ➜ Being punished or told off for doing something wrong (A)
Aptitude (Begåvning) ➜ Being good at something naturally (N)
Elder (Äldre) ➜ An older person who is respected (Q)
Obedient (Lydig) ➜ Doing what you are told (W)
Palpable (Påtaglig) ➜ Something that can be felt or is very obvious (H)
Apprehensive (Ängslig) ➜ Feeling worried or nervous about what might happen (P)
Insight (Insikt) ➜ Understanding something that is hard to understand (G)
Humiliation (Förödmjukelse) ➜ Feeling very embarrassed or ashamed (U)
Nurture (Vårda) ➜ To help something grow and develop (B)
Remorse (Ånger) ➜ Feeling sorry for doing something wrong (J)
Integrity (Integritet) ➜ Being honest and having strong morals (O)
Relinquish (Överlåta) ➜ To give something up (F)
Reprieve (Uppskov) ➜ A short break or delay from something bad (S)
Excruciating (Outhärdlig) ➜ Pain that is hard to endure (E)
Anguish (Kval) ➜ Very bad pain, either in the body or mind (L)
Exemption (Undantag) ➜ Being let off from something you have to do (K)
Indolence (Lättja) ➜ Being lazy and not wanting to do anything (M)
Conspicuous (Iögonfallande) ➜ Easy to see or notice (C)
Benign (Godartad) ➜ Kind and not harmful (R)
Exasperated (Irriterad) ➜ Very annoyed and frustrated (T)
Exhilarating (Uppiggande) ➜ Feeling very excited and happy (V)
Theme developing exercise
🕒~20 minutes
This develops your writing and reading comprehension skills
By yourself, or together with a classmate:
Choose one of the central themes:
Follow the template to develop your undertanding of the word
Share what you made with the rest of the class
Writing exercise
Choose the broad or the narrow path to write about The Giver
Both include similar exercises, but at different challenge levels
🕒~40 minutes writing
👥By yourself
Write two paragraphs (at least 150 words but no more than 400 in total) for two of the following topics using the sentence starters.
Your goal is to express your understanding of key themes in The Giver.
The concept of Sameness:
In The Giver, "Sameness" means...
It was implemented to...
Because of Sameness, the people in the society cannot...
In our society, an example of Sameness could be...
Ethical implications of euthanasia:
In the novel, euthanasia is shown as...
The characters in the book see it as...
This makes me think about euthanasia in our world, where an argument in favour could be…
While an argument against could be…
The importance of emotions:
In the society of The Giver, emotions are...
One negative result of suppressing emotions is...
In my opinion, emotions are important for human experience because...
Freedom versus Control:
The society in The Giver controls its citizens by...
A negative result of so much control is...
In this society people are unable to make choices about...
In our society, if we had similar balance between security and freedom as in The Giver, our lives would...
🕒~40 minutes writing
👥By yourself
Choose one of the following discussion topics and write a detailed response (at least 150 words but no more than 400 in total) explaining your thoughts and insights. Refer to the novel when possible and use examples from your own experiences when appropriate.
Your goal is to provide an analysis of themes in The Giver.
The concept of Sameness: The Giver presents a society built on "Sameness." How does this concept, as portrayed in the novel, affect individuality? In your own life, can you find examples of "sameness" in norms or expectations and are these examples good or bad?
Ethical implications of euthanasia: How does the portrayal of euthanasia in The Giver challenge or confirm your own ethical views on assisted death? Discuss the arguments for and against it, explaining how it is used in the novel, relating to your thoughts about assisted death.
The importance of emotions: The novel's society suppresses emotions, aiming for stability. What are the consequences for characters? From your perspective, are emotions crucial to the human experience and relationships? What is gained and lost when emotions are removed from an individual's life?
Freedom versus Control: The Giver presents a society where security is prioritised over freedom, with extreme control over citizens' lives. What are the positive and/or negative outcomes of such a system What trade-offs are made, and are they worth it? Would you be willing to make similar trade-offs in our society and why?
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