
Welcome! Please consider how your attitude affects your and other students' experiences of the lesson. 

Be respectful, come prepared, and show interest to have the best possible educational experience. 

Learning goals

Learn to write about the central themes from the book The Giver

Lesson exercises

Vocabulary exercise

Theme developing exercise

Writing exercise 

Vocabulary exercise

🕒~15-20 minutes

This develops your vocabulary

Answer key

Theme developing exercise

🕒~20 minutes

This develops your writing and reading comprehension skills

By yourself, or together with a classmate:

Writing exercise

Choose the broad or the narrow path to write about The Giver

Both include similar exercises, but at different challenge levels

🕒~40 minutes writing

👥By yourself

Write two paragraphs (at least 150 words but no more than 400 in total) for two of the following topics using the sentence starters.

Your goal is to express your understanding of key themes in The Giver.

🕒~40 minutes writing

👥By yourself

Choose one of the following discussion topics and write a detailed response (at least 150 words but no more than 400 in total) explaining your thoughts and insights. Refer to the novel when possible and use examples from your own experiences when appropriate. 

Your goal is to provide an analysis of themes in The Giver.


No homework

Exit ticket

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