Proper 24 Yr A
Belonging to God

Image is “The Tribute Money” (1425) by Masaccio in the Basilica of Our Lady of Carmel (downloaded from on October 14, 2020).

Published date 11/23/2021

Editor's note: During the season of Pentecost, churches that use the Revised Common Lectionary have two options. One, often called "semicontinuous" or "Track 1", provides more detail about the Old Testament stories. The other, called "complementary" or "Track 2", more closely marries the Old Testament lesson to the gospel reading. 


Jesus says pay your taxes! Is it really that simple? For some, it is paying tribute to the authority of the land. But is it? Most of us live in an organized society and thereby choose to live within the constraints and parameters of such a society—responsibilities toward the society of which we are a part. And within that society, most of us can choose where we live (neighborhood), worship (denomination), work, and so on. So our choices in life give authority to governments, religious leaders, neighborhood associations, and so forth. Thus, we grant authority by our choices. 

Having said this, it is important to acknowledge that many in our society cannot choose the neighborhood, denomination, work, or other things. A few years ago, I attended a workshop which opened my eyes to this reality. The workshop showed me that there are many factors that will prevent some folks from "choosing", such as transportation access, financial resources, prejudices and biases within a denomination, family structure, and many others. Can you name a few? What can we do to improve access for all, regardless of circumstances?

The brain food “Crevace” helps us to see that “God is with us” even when we had not noticed.

Comments welcome.

Matthew 22:15-22

The Pharisees went and plotted to entrap Jesus in what he said. So they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that you are sincere, and teach the way of God in accordance with truth, and show deference to no one; for you do not regard people with partiality. Tell us, then, what you think. Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?” But Jesus, aware of their malice, said, “Why are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites? Show me the coin used for the tax.” And they brought him a denarius. Then he said to them, “Whose head is this, and whose title?” They answered, “The emperor’s.” Then he said to them, “Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” When they heard this, they were amazed; and they left him and went away.

From “Jesus also said “Give to God what belongs to God.” The Bible says that we were created by God and that we were created in the image of God. If we are created by God, and we were created in His image, we must belong to Him. That means we must give ourselves to Him!”

Scripture: October 22, 2023, Proper 24 (Pentecost 21) Year A—Track 1: Exodus 33:12-23 (image); Psalm 99 (image); Track 2: Isaiah 45:1-7 (image); Psalm 96:1-9, (10-13) (image); 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 (image); and Matthew 22:15-22 (image). Illuminating the scripture, an image and audio journey

Collect: Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ you have revealed your glory among the nations: Preserve the works of your mercy, that your Church throughout the world may persevere with steadfast faith in the confession of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Reflection: This week, set aside some time to take inventory of your life. Consider your spiritual gifts. How do you use them in the service of God and others? Consider your material goods. How do you make use of these possessions? 

Source: Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year A, Volume 2 © 2014 Westminster John Knox Press.

Eye Candy:
Show me your glory” by Jan Richardson;
Jesus and Tribute Money to Caesar” (1880), Gustave Dore Bible art;
"The tribute money" (1630-1635) by Bernardo Strozzi;
"Mammon" by George Frederic Watts 

Ear Worm:
Holy is the Lord” by Chris Tomlin;
Santo, santo, santo“, Argentinian praise hymn;
Hush, somebody’s calling my name“, gospel hymn
"Seek ye first", three ways: Patti LaBelle and Spellman College; children's choir; intrumental, Pachelbel canon in D overlay 

Brain Food:
Show me the Glory” by Rachel Hackenburg (RevGalBlogPals);
Whose image is stamped on your heart” by Doug Mendenhall;
Crevace” by Rick Morley, short powerful reflection on Exodus reading;
"Money, Politics, & Religion: Oh my" by David Lose;
"Give to God what is God's" by Peter Lockhart 

The pursuit of Happyness” (2006, PG-13), single parent struggle, Review;
Avatar” (2009, PG-13), "action driven story with strong female characters", “in sync with contemporary spirituality movements”, Review1, Review2;
Limitless” (2011, PG-13), pairing of sci-fi and human emotions, Review;
"Pieces of April" (2003, PG-13), ”Thanksgiving dinner and families, Review;
Traffic” (2000, R), hard-hitting about pervasive nature of and trafficking drugs, Review;
The Fifth Element” (1997, PG-13), really quirky film with great moral, sci-fi extravaganza, Review;
"A Man for all seasons" (1966, G), tale of a man who had to choose, Review;
"Hit the Road (Jaddeh Khaki)" (2021, no rating), deep exploration of Iranian politics through a family lens, Review

Hymn Notes: "Santo, santo, santo" (referenced above) is relatively new to the worship community. Read about it at Discipleship Ministries.

For families: Study guide and activities, (former guide), group activity, snacks, kid video

For children: See family guide/activities (other activity); bulletin, craft

For middlers: See family guide/activities (other activity); bulletin, craft

Coloring: Exodus 14, Kids pay taxes too

For youth: In Sunday’s gospel, Jesus reminds us to pay taxes when they are due. Sounds a bit peculiar from a rabble-rouser and kinda renegade. But the point might be that we live within a governed society and thus owe that government its due. We also are governed by our acceptance of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as found in the words of the Apostles Creed. So, “Whose are you?” We all belong to God, and that is very good news. What does it mean to belong to God rather than focusing on what might belong to us? That’s tough! How does this reframe our lives and our approach to everyday living? 

(excerpted from “Belonging to God” from the Stewardship of Life website

Extra: Video for “Is the New Testament more important . .  ?”

Comments welcome.

As we draw near the end of Matthew’s Gospel, the opposition to Jesus intensifies. Today the Pharisees seek to entrap Jesus, asking if it is lawful to pay taxes to the emperor. The trap would be to offend either zealous Jewish patriots or else offend the ruling class in Jerusalem including the Romans. Jesus’ answer points instead to Jewish teaching that the government, even a pagan one, has legitimate authority, but that authority cannot be allowed to interfere with our duty toward God.

Track 1. In our ongoing story of the Exodus, it is time for the Jews to move on in their journey to the land of promise. Moses asks for a sign of God’s favor. God gives two signs. One is his promise to go with the people on their journey to the Promised Land and the other is to give Moses a glimpse of God.

Track 2. Five hundred years earlier, the Jews, exiled in Babylon, were rescued by a pagan king, Cyrus. Today’s first reading refers to that time and we find the Persian king referred to by the prophet Isaiah as God’s anointed.

The second reading today begins several weeks of reading Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. This is probably the earliest of Paul’s letters. Things have gone well since he left and he begins by giving thanks for their faithfulness. This church, however, had some problems and confusion about the second coming of Christ. In coming weeks we will hear Paul’s teaching about that.

Central to every gathering of Christians for worship is intercessory prayer. Our prayer is always for the church and the world. A striking illustration was that the early Christians prayed for the emperor who was persecuting them. Our faith calls us to pray for and to minister to all aspects of life. The liturgy reminds us that God is concerned for all creation and is the Savior of all.

From The Rite Light: Reflections on the Sunday Readings and Seasons of the Church Year. Copyright © 2007 by Michael W. Merriman. Church Publishing Incorporated, New York.