Easter 4 Yr A
The good shepherd

The good shepherd” by Anju Jolly, mosaic; downloaded 4/27/20 from https://anjujollymosaics.com/artwork/1656381-Good-Shepherd.html 

Published date 04/26/23


The image of the good shepherd often is of a gentle, pastoral man, in a pasture and caring for his sheep. Murillo (reference "Eye Candy" below) even shows the good shepherd as a child. But notice how the image is changed in Bonnell's view (also referenced below) to a suffering Christ trying to encompass within his outstretched arms the masses of sheep who need his care. Both images make me think. You too, I hope. And while you're thinking, consider writing down the characteristics of a good shepherd. Don't forget that the good shepherd carries a staff to fight off those who would harm his sheep (see Koenig's concept below).

We take great comfort when we know that Jesus is our Good Shepherd—guiding us, caring for us, finding us (when we stray), and rescuing us when we get into trouble. This week’s Acts scripture turns the tables on us by making us think about what it means to be a follower of Christ. Yes, he’s our Shepherd, but how do we live fully as his sheep? It couldn’t be plainer than Acts—care for all in the community (selling your stuff), spend time with others in worship, share the meal with others, be joyful and generous. And that’s how we show gratitude to the Good Shepherd; and he in turn will "increase" our numbers. [Based on the sermon commentary at SOLI (Stewardship of Life Institute) website.]

Comments welcome.

John 10:1-10

Jesus said, “. . . The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep hear his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. . . . I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. . . . I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

From sermon4kids.com: “Jesus . . . is the Good Shepherd who takes care of us. Jesus says that His sheep know His voice and follow Him.”

Scripture: April 30, 2023—Acts 2:42-47 (image); Psalm 23 (image); 1 Peter 2:19-25 (image); and John 10:1-10 (image). Illuminating the scripture, an image and audio journey.

Collect: O God, whose Son Jesus is the good shepherd of your people: Grant that when we hear his voice we may know him who calls us each by name, and follow where he leads; who, with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Reflection: Acts 2:42–47 describes what life was like in the early church. How do these words guide today’s church?

excerpt from Feasting on the Word Worship Companion: Liturgies for Year A, Volume 1 © 2013 Westminster John Knox Press.

Eye Candy:
The Christ-child as the good shepherd“, circa 1675, Murillo from The J. Paul Getty Museum, a capitivating sketch on the back of a letter;
Sarcophagus of the Good Shepherd“, Fourth century, so many piecesmultiple shepherds, many sheep, some cherubs, and wolves;
The good shepherd” (2003), art print by Daniel Bonnell, who continues to capture the crucified Christ;
"True shepherd the the wolves" by Peter Koenig, my "perfect" image of a good shepherd, vigorously protecting his sheep while other "shepherds" run away (kudos to Koenig). 

Ear Worm:
Simple Gifts“, by Yo-Yo Ma, cello, and Alison Krauss, soprano, listen until you hear the two voices (cello & human) are nearly indistinguishable;
Shepherd me, O God” by Marty Haugen, sung by SSSJ choir;
My shepherd will supply my need“, arr. by Virgil Thompson, sung by SSSJ choir; and sung by choir of Washington National Cathedral.
Good Shepherd” by Jefferson Airplane;
The Lord is my shepherd” sung by Whitney Houston, from “The Preacher’s Wife”;
"We beseech thee", high school presentation, from Godspell, good modulating upward three times!  
[all music this week is wonderful. Listen.] 

Brain Food: “Poem about Jesus the Good Shepherd“, kid friendly; commentary and imagery from Miriam’s Tambourine website; “Blessing of the gate“, reflection and imagery by Jan Richardson

Parables: Babe” (1995), the animals know Babe’s voice; “Good will hunting” (1997), professor and student “shepherd” each other; “Kolya” (1996), best foreign language film of 1996

Hymn Notes: "My shepherd will supply my need", authored by Isaac Watts (referenced above): A beloved text full of tender imagery and based on Psalm 23. "The sweetest touch is in the final stanza. Whereas the Psalm says we will “dwell in the house of the Lord forever,” Watts offered some clarification, saying our stay in that place will not be as a “stranger or a guest, but like a child at home.” This calls to mind the promise of John 1:12, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” " He knows our names.

Excerpted from Hymnology Archive.

For families: Study guide and activities (former guide), group activity, snacks; kid video

For children: See family guide/activities (another activity); bulletin; craft

For middlers: See family guide/activities (another activity; bulletin; craft 

Coloring: John 10, The Shepherd

For youth: In today’s gospel (John 10:1-10), Jesus describes the Good Shepherd. What are the qualities he describes that capture your attention?

Excerpted from So It Is website.

Comments welcome.

This Sunday is traditionally called Good Shepherd Sunday. The gospel reading each year is a portion of Jesus’ discourse on his relationship to us in the image of a shepherd. Shepherds in his day were so close to their flock that the sheep were each known to the shepherd and they knew and responded to his voice. So we each in baptism have been named by our Lord and have become part of his life.

Today’s reading from Acts describes the life of the infant church. Central to its life was the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, the breaking of the bread, and the prayers. This small but growing community saw itself as a family sharing everything in common.

Even their most characteristic act of worship, the Eucharist, was, like Jewish Sabbath and Passover worship, something that took place in homes.

The reading from 1 Peter continues this early sermon on the life of the baptized. Suffering and trials are still part of the new Christian’s life. By bearing them patiently our lives are conformed more closely with the dying and rising of Jesus. He is our Shepherd and will never lose any of us.

We gather in the Eucharist as a household, a flock, not a group of individuals who simply happen to be in the same place at the same time. We are made into this fellowship by the living presence of Christ in our lives, giving us a unity that transcends all individual differences.

From The Rite Light: Reflections on the Sunday Readings and Seasons of the Church Year. Copyright © 2009 by Michael W. Merriman. Church Publishing Incorporated, New York.