Main Display

The Main Display is where all the visualization occurs, showing the user what's happening in the World.

The Main Display will NOT show what's happening if Fast Mode is enabled (which disables rendering, increasing simulation frame rate dramatically) or if the world is paused (obviously nothing will happen, but you can still look around the world in its frozen state)

The app bar will tell you the simulation FPS (or if Fast Mode is activated, the TPS - Ticks Per Second), as well as the number of agents of several stomach type classifications. The current day and Epoch is also reported.

Below this, on the left, it will show current world and simulator status, including such things as the autoselect mode, global drought/overgrowth and mutation multiplier events, open-or-closed world, paused status, and more. If debug mode is active, additional stats are shown. The text stacks, so it never uses more space than necessary.

At the top right, if an agent is selected, this will show the Selected Agent Display. From health, reproduction counter, and energy meters, to various outputs and conditions which effect the agent's interactions, to even a report of the cause of death if the agent happens to be dead. Also shown is a real-scale copy of the selected agent with some helpful colored parts: left and right ear colors, right and left wheel locations and speeds, etc.

Several buttons are available on this display to show different data about the selected agent:

  • "F" button: will toggle following of the selected agent, much like pressing the 'f' keyboard shortcut.

  • "D" button: will toggle the display to show the Damage Sources chart, a display showing all the proportion of total damage the agent has received from various sources. Press again to return to agent display.

  • "I" button: will toggle the display to show the Intake Sources chart, showing the food (in units of cells) the agent has eaten. Press again to return to agent display.

On the right side, just below the Selected Agent Display, there is a running list of event Notifications. These will "pop" up in a queue (like toast! but less edible) and dismiss themselves after a duration. Toggling Fast Mode on will also dismiss ALL notifications, even queued ones. I will be trying to make them click-to-dismiss soon. Watch out for interesting notifications! Tips will also be displayed here for the first few in-sim days to help with learning the UI and program. Also, press "h" to pop up UI help, like shown here.

At the middle of the screen you will see a crosshair indicating positive x and y directions and the exact center of your window, even if resized, to help you stay really focused!

If you have any combination of layers other than all selected, a tool-tip displays under the cursor to show you the hovered-over cell's type, quantity, and other notable details of the cell.

In the lower right of the world view, there are population history graphs. The total population is represented by a black graph and also reported in text form and marked by a vertical bar, and the number of TOTAL agent entities (including dead ones) is shown in light tan. The graph scrolls horizontally and fills in with all the data from the last Epoch's worth of time, delineated by vertical lines in grey for days and orange for epochs. The graph is colored in proportionally (stacked vertically) according to the proportion of agents which are Aquatic (blue), Terrestrial (green), or Amphibious (teal). Additionally, green, yellow, and red lines represent counts of Herbivores, Frugivores, and Carnivores, respectively, and a navy blue plot indicates the number of Hybrid (sexually reproduced) agents. The graph shows an epoch's worth of population history.