Inital Conditions

Initially, the world is a mock slate. A random population of plants, fruit, and agents are seeded, and it is hardly guaranteed that any initial agents are going to spawn the first species. It's up to the user and the simulation steps ultimately to evolve the world into something more interesting. But for now, here's a list of things which happen to start off the world:

  • Plant and fruit Cells are randomly spawned. In the Config File it is possible to define a different starting concentration, or an absolute number of cells users want to have spawned. These plant cells should have between

  • Land terrain is generated. It will attempt to seed the number of CONTINENTS as input in the Config, but this is not guaranteed. The ratio of land to water is governed by the Config variable OCEANPERCENT, but this one is much harder to precisely control.

  • A random climate is generated, with a preference toward middle-of-the-range values, but sometimes a warm, cold, ice age, or hadean world will be generated. User can always adjust the values under World Options in the GUI Sidebar.

  • Finally, 100 completely random* agents are spawned. If the flag DISABLE_LAND_SPAWN is enabled in config then none of them will be Terrestrial or Amphibious, only Aquatic, and they will only spawn in ocean cells.

*Their initial stomachs are restricted to herbivore or frugivore. No carnivores allowed only because they are extremely unlikely to survive without a herbivore or frugivore population around.