Save Swapping / Sharing

Changing many of the simulation constants is easy with Evagents, and saving and loading have been features since this program diverged from Andrej Karpathi's Scriptbots.

One feature especially prevalent is our saving and loading features being very robust - if you feed in a blank file or a file you (re)wrote yourself but maybe made a few spelling mistakes, the program won't crash, instead it will silently ignore any lines it cannot read. This of course is covered in more detail on the Loading & Saving page, but I want to draw special attention to the steps you might want to take if you are wanting to share your simulation.

  • If you have made changes to your settings.cfg file, make sure to include that with your save files.

  • The saved files (including world cells and all the agents) are located in the "saves" folder.

  • You do NOT have to include the record files for your save (ending in .txt and share the name of your save, with an added "_report" tacked on to the name), but you can if you want others to have the historical data saved there.

  • The files most important here are the ".SAV" file and the ".cfg" file. Without both of those, the simulation may not work for others as well as it did for you, because constants were changed.