Simulation Optimization

Evagents is first and foremost a simulator. However, while the design of the program is to that end, it has been "prettied up" for the release environment. The default settings are not perfectly optimized for simulation. An incomplete list of settings you can change (some in-game) to improve performance or rate of simulation are listed below.

  • Moonlight: both a UI setting and a variable in Settings.cfg. If set to 0, it will make night time completely dark, and agents will not even process eyesight when they are in the dark, increasing performance. (note: the debug environment in the C++ project uses this by default)

  • DIST: the dist value is high. A lower value means agents will not see or sense others at a larger distance. Making this smaller will increase performance.

  • Disable various Agent-Agent interaction features, such as collision or generosity.

  • Disable Eyesight altogether. It is the greatest contributor to processing time. Second greatest is collision mechanics.