Crashes & Debugging

It happens that this code is not well designed. I'm sorry. I'm only a hobbyist. I have had more than my fair share of embarrassing bugs, crashes, and fatal errors in designing this application, and could use your help if you find one! Here's how.

First, take note of anything you were doing when the program crashed. Were you clicking something? Using some option or another? If so, make sure to let me know. If you changed any settings in the config file, please share it. If it keeps happening on a save you have, even if you restart the program and load it back up, share that with me as well.

Second, if the program crashed while idling, please know it may be very hard to reproduce due to the nature of the program being very much based on random chance. I have not yet implemented a seed system so it will not be deterministic. As such, I may not be able to find the problem.

In the case that the crashes seem to happen regularly, but aren't exactly predictable, I may be able to help! Using the DEBUG mode, let the app run until a crash happens. Then, try to get a screenshot of the last few lines of the Output Window, which may contain the key for me to understand why the crash happened!

Remember to share your results either as a bug report on the GitHub or in a topic on the discussions page, especially if it seems others might be experiencing them too.