Inputs and Keybinds

If at any time you need detailed (and up-to-date) key-bind info, press 'h', and a series of notifications will display to assist. This should only serve as a loose overview of the functions you can activate as a user.

  • Left-Click on World area - Select any nearby agent.

  • Left-Click-&-Drag on World area - translate (move) camera.

  • Middle-Click-&-Drag - zoom camera in or out. (sorry, GLUI only "supports" mousewheel scroll... It's broken.)

  • Right-Click - Open more options in a context menu, some of which are options below (Others are keybinds):

    • Save World - same function as the GUI Sidebar

    • Remake Config - writes a new Config File (overwriting) with all default values

    • Load Config - Reads the config file and updates settings. The Output Window will tell you what, if anything, changed!

    • Spawn Agents (or specific stomach type agents): spawns 10 agents randomly, with the stomach type indicated.

    • Enter Debug Mode: Same as the GUI Sidebar option, toggles world closed status

    • Load World, and Reset World: same as GUI Sidebar's Load and New World functions.

  • Fast Mode: "m" - activates Fast Mode by disabling drawing.

  • Dismiss Current Displayed Events: "n" - clears the events being displayed. Useful if the queue is full.

  • Pause: "spacebar" or "esc" - pauses the simulation.

  • Re-center: "q" - zooms out the camera and translates so that you can see the whole world. Attempts to take adjusted window dimensions into account.

  • Control Selected Agent: "w,a,s,d" - if an agent is selected, overrides its wheel outputs with user input. Try to survive!

  • Input to Selected Agent: "space" - if an agent is selected, sets a unique input to 1.0 as long as the spacebar is held.

  • Follow Selected: "f" - camera will automatically follow the selected agent. If zoomed out far, gracefully follows, and if zoomed in close, it follows more directly.

  • Close World: "c" - prevent all random spawns. Note: if all agents die this setting resets to false, allowing spawns to resume.

  • Set Autoselect mode: "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" (not all of these are functional yet) - automatically select the best agent according to the desired trait. They are the same order as in the GUI, where 0 selects a random agent (replacing "off").

  • Select Species ID neighbor: "Page up" & "Page down" - select another agent who is nearby in Species ID, preferably by +/-1, but it will also find any up to the config distance of MAXDEVIATION (default 10) which means they are capable of reproducing.

  • Cycle Layer Visualization: "z" & "x" - change the current visualization of the cell layers. "o" resets to default: all.

  • Cycle Agent Visualization: "k" & "l" - change the current visualization of agent coloration. Default is RGB

  • Change Simulation Speed: "+" (shift+"=") & "-" - speed up or slow down simulation speed by skipping frames or adding a delay (if negative Speed values input). Speed value is reported both on the Main window title bar and in the GUI Sidebar

Other features require DEBUG mode to be enabled to access:

  • Heal Selected Agent: "/" - instantly heals the selected agent, even if dead. (obv cannot revive de-spawned carcasses)

  • Reproduce Selected Agent: "|" (shift+"\") - force selected agent to asexually reproduce. Congratulations!

  • Mutate Selected Agent: "~" (shift+"`") - force selected agent to be mutated. Youch!

  • Kill Selected Agent: "delete" - outright kill the selected agent. x_x