
Agents have a few types of weapons to try and use to hunt each other.


All agents (except Tiny ones) have the capability to "grow" spikes. Placed at the traditional "front" of the agent, the spike will do damage to any other agents in front of the wielder, so long as they are going fast enough. Spikes "retract" when they hit another agent, and must be "raised", an action which may be reduced by Exhaustion and optionally causes damage. Spikes can even be used defensively by agents driving backwards.


All agents also have the capability to "snap" jaws. Also at the "front", the jaws will do damage to any other agents in front of the wielder, no matter how fast the two agents are traveling. Agents must rapidly "flicker" the Jaw output in order to activate it, however, making this weapon take significant energy to use


Although not a weapon in a traditional sense, agents can make strategic use of the generosity of others, by ensuring they themselves are either less generous or even selfish. This will sap the life out of any nearby overly-caring creatures and lead to them easily dying. This strategy is usually not a very safe option in the long-run due to reliance on other agents choosing a specific strategy.