
The size of agents is represented by a single variable: Radius. This value has significant impacts with various features for a given agent:

  • The center of Ear sensory ranges lies on the agents circumference.

  • Wheel speed is multiplied by sqrt(radius/MEANRADIUS), meaning tiny agents are slow and larger agents are faster, with diminishing returns.

  • Collision physics, including "bounciness" and the damage calculation, where larger agents take less damage from collisions.

  • Grabbing radius and restoring force, where large agents move slower towards the push point.

  • Spike and Bite zones of damage, as well as damage resistance from largeness.

  • Asexual Reproduction (budding): mothers take a penalty for large size if they are trying to split and survive.

Tiny Agents

Tiny Agents are any with a radius less than 5 units. They get a white outline instead of black, and they also get several debuffs and other differences:

  • Only 1 ear.

  • Half NUMEYES get set to 1.0 during day, and 0.0 at night, and do not otherwise detect anything.

  • No Clock 2 (Its value is constantly 0).

  • No Clock 3.

  • Cannot raise Spikes.