Health Group

Working Groups

When you can’t leave the house, it’s important to look after your wellbeing. Try a few of the activities from this website to keep your mind healthy and happy!

2020-21 School Year

P7 and P4T have taken on the Health Working Group for this year. They are really excited to Be the Change!

We have set our classes the challenge of creating a 'Be the Change' challenge week, starting 7th December.

Everyday your class can complete a challenge focused on an area of health and well-being e.g. substance misuse, healthy eating, hygiene etc.

The P7 will plan and prepare lessons for P4-7.

P4T will plan and prepare lessons for P1-3.

Watch this space for more information!!!

Working groups 26.06.20

Reflection time - what does being in Health Group mean to you?

Think of the following questions:

  • What do we talk about in Health Group?

  • What is being healthy all about?

  • What are some activities that we have done during Health Group this year?

  • Why is Health Group a really important part of Hazlehead Primary?

We would like you to reflect on your year in Health Group and create a piece of work that sums up what we try to do as a group. This can be any type of work; for example, you could write a poem, create some art, make a video or create a Google Slides presentation. Be creative! Share your work with your teacher once you have completed it.

TOP TIP! Try to create something that helps to answer the following BIG question: How does the Health Group help you to thrive in difficult times?

Working Groups 22.05.20

Next week is our Virtual Sports Week! Normally we would have great fun cheering on our friends and encouraging our Houses during sports day and this year should be no different!

This year, we are just going to do it a bit differently. We would like you to create a banner/poster/bunting/video message for everyone who is taking part in Sports Week, to encourage them and give them a boost of confidence at home.

You can include a positive message such as 'Go Team', 'Try your best', 'You are incredible!' etc. Make it colourful and creative!

Please take a photo of yourself with your finished banner and SHARE it with YOUR teacher on your Google Classroom assignment page. We will upload these to a slideshow next week to give everyone encouragement!

Mental wellbeing

This year one of our main focuses has been on positive mental health. As a group we thought about all the things we have at Hazlehead Primary that support our positive wellbeing.

What makes you mentally healthy? Do you play sport, chat to friends, take time out to read a book? Can you produce a piece of work that shares how you stay positive? This could be a Google Slide, piece of art, poem or mini video.

If you are finding things tricky, Hands On Scotland have produced a brilliant website about where to go for help and things to look out for in those around us.

Hands On Scotland

PE with joe

Joe Wicks has been keeping us all active while we are at home by sharing daily videos that we can take part in.

So many of you have been sharing your great photos and videos with your teachers, and we want them to keep on coming!

Join in with Joe each day by clicking here and let us know how you get on!

P6 have been enjoying taking part in the PE set by Mrs Webster!

Resilience Alphabet

Education Scotland -

What is this?

The Resilience Alphabet includes ideas and activities to help your child build inner strength and wellbeing. For each letter there is a definition, something to think about, something positive to say and some suggestions of things to Make, Do or Write.

Who is this for?

Parents of children at nursery and primary school. This activity is aimed at children from P2 to P7.

Being resilient is all about how well you deal with and cope with difficult situations, which we are all facing at this time (May 2020) If you are resilient, you have the skills to bounce-back or recover from these difficulties.

The Resilience Alphabet can be used in lots of different way to develop these skills.

You can access and use it on-line or you could print them off to make Resilience Alphabet cards.

Perhaps you could randomly select letters of the alphabet – maybe using the letters within your name, or perhaps start at the very beginning, a, b, c and so on.

Feel free to share your work on social media, @EducationScot #ResilienceAlphabet
