Community Group


This year P and P will Be the Change and are inspired to

Friday 26.06.20

During lockdown the elderly members of our community in care homes have become increasingly isolated and lonely. We would like to reach out and show our support to people in this situation.

Dear Friend is a initiative founded by POST ( It is encouraging us to send a letter, message or drawing to someone isolated from friends or family. It is quick, easy and free. A wonderful way of showing we care.

Check out the website below for all the instructions.

Let us know if you send a letter by sharing it with your class.

Friday 12th June

Growing Together

Gardening benefits us in so many different ways:

  • Physical activity.

  • Responsibility and independence.

  • Self-confidence.

  • Teamwork and communication.

  • Healthy lifestyles.

  • Environmental awareness.

  • Improved mental health.

We thought we could enjoy some of these benefits as a community and grow together.

Your task:

Over the next few weeks, we would like you to plant some seeds or take care of some seedlings that you can then take in to school after the summer holidays. We want to develop our outdoor environment by using what we have grown at home.

If you would like to donate a plant to our garden it would be greatly appreciated.

If you would like us to provide you with some seeds we can do that too. Just let your class teacher know and we will get some to you.

(Some easy seeds to grow include sunflower, pumpkin, peas, sweet peas and nasturtiums)

Happy Planting!


Please upload/share how you intend to show gratitude!

Community Group would like to take the opportunity to show some gratitude. We would like you to write a letter to thank the people who have helped you feel better during the lock-down.

Maybe you want to appreciate the NHS or the key workers. Maybe a performer, TV presenter or a family member has posted, said or done something that helped you feel hopeful and happy.

Perhaps you really enjoyed Reverend Petrie's assemblies, or Hazel the Squirrel made you laugh doing the Keepie Up challenge, or Wendy's wee lambs brought love to your heart. Any one of them would appreciate knowing they helped make you feel happy.

Why not write a letter of thanks to that person or group of people?

Try to write three paragraphs if you can.

  1. Explain what they did that you appreciate.

  2. Explain why it made you feel better.

  3. In appreciation of what that person has done, explain what you are inspired to do to help others feel better too.

Feel free to decorate and illustrate your letter, remember to say Thank You, and send your letter to that person. If you can, send a photo of your letter to the school and we will post examples of your letters here on the Community Page and on the school website.

photos can be sent to

Captain Tom Moore

This is why we feel Captain Tom deserves Incredible Work……….

Firstly, he supported the NHS by doing 100 laps of his garden thinking he would only raise about £500,000 to mark his 100th birthday (a challenge set by his family). However, he has ended up raising well over £29 million. All of it will be donated to the NHS.

Secondly, he fought in World War 2 and is now helping to battle Covid-19. He has also broken 2 world records: one for raising the most money for just 1 charity and one for being the oldest person to reach No.1 in the charts.

Lastly, he received a Guard of Honour when he completed his final lap and he will be receiving a Pride of Britain award. All mail posted this week will also have a special Captain Tom Royal Mail Stamp in his honour.

We appreciate everything he has done for the NHS especially since both our parents are proud to be NHS staff.

He is a real hero and an inspiration to everyone.

Niamh and Jasmine