Comics and Story Writing

At the moment we will let you decide what you want to write about but we will share your efforts with the rest of the school on this page if you share your stuff with Ms Beard or your class teacher. Just make sure you explain you want it on this page and why you did what you did.

Jacob P5M

Look at what he made during masterclass today.

Spelling Story Writing by Jacob Hanton

6th May 2020


I was happily sitting next to the Battle bus waiting for the Royale to start, which I knew would be a fun but big challenge. The Battle bus arrived, and I was glad to see I could easily get a seat. It was almost time to jump out of the Battle bus, so I steadily made my way to the opening. I took a big leap and jumped.

My Llama glider popped open noisily as I flew down towards the landing point. I landed at a place called “THE SHARK”. Luckily, I knew this area well. There was a mythical weapon called a grappler. To find the grappler you had to tame one of the Sharks, which were swimming angrily around the ocean.

I saw a Shark called Ollie, who looked wearily at the new arrivals. I think he must have been in lots of battles today already and he looked quite sad and different to the other Sharks. “THE SHARK” was an island in the shape of a shark’s mouth which I was not very happy about, but it did look like a very exciting mission. I made my way carefully over towards Ollie and tried to tame him………

Spelling story writing by Jacob Hanton

13th May 2020


And tried to tame him……

Ollie was a fast swimmer, so it was difficult to catch him. The person next to me was a beginner so he wouldn’t be able to help me tame Ollie. Our skipper told the others to check their planner for tips and tricks to help them.

Tip number one – Stay away from Ollies mouth. His gaping jaws would make a great shredder.

My squad mate Raven did not pay attention to tip number one and stuck his hand close to Ollies mouth. Raven did not make it to the end of the game.

The beginner player Jonesy got a scare and threw a grenade at Ollie. The grenade flew through the air like a cricketer throws a spinner!

Ollie was ready for this. He used his tail like a cricket bat. With a whack, Ollie sent the grenade flying back towards Jonesy and the skipper. Then with a ‘BOOM’ I was the only one left……