
Dancing is a great form of exercise because not only does it keep you fit but it is really fun too! Listening to music can really improve your mood and make you feel happy and energised!

It's always good to start with a warm up to get your body ready, especially if you have been sat down working. Here is a short warm up video from Just Dance for you to try.

Just Dance also have some great dance routines for you to learn to some cool songs. Search Just Dance on YouTube.

Give this Go Noodle Indoor Recess video a go for some weird and wacky dance moves. Search 'Go Noodle' on Youtube for more fun videos.

Now I have a little challenge for you...just for fun! Choose a song that makes you feel happy and make up a dance to it - try and teach it to someone you live with. Here's a little video of me and my little girls doing a dance I taught them :)

Remember, you don't have to be an expert...just put on some music and have some fun!

Mrs Wraith

Another fun activity for you all - Seen as we have been looking at and thinking about how we thrive during difficult times it got me thinking about how music and dancing help us do this. Dancing and keeping fit definitely helps us keep our body and mind strong and healthy which helps us be at our best to deal with things which might be a bit tricky.

I asked my daughter to think about which song makes her feel strong and motivated and she decided on 'Wings' by Little Mix. So we decided to do a fun duet to this song and it definitely made us feel ready for the day ahead.

Think about which song makes you feel empowered and ready to take on anything and have fun making up a dance to it (Or copy our one!)

Here's a really fun video to watch and play along to for a game of 'Musical Statues'. See how still you can stay when the music says 'Freeze'!