
If you like to build things theres lots of ideas for how you can do this at home or in your garden.

This is a way to build 3D shapes using toothpicks and marshmallows. You could also use Blu-Tack and straws or Play-Doh and raw spaghetti strands.

You could construct a bird house out of icicle sticks!

You will need:

Lots of icicle sticks (you might need to save them up for a while)



Paint or pens if you want it colourful.

Here's the link to the tutorial:

Try making a castle out of cardboard. As small or large as you want!

You could construct a den in your garden

Or build a tower out of plastic cups

Well done!

I made some 3D shapes with straws and Blue Tack

I found out this one is an octahedron


His many creations.