Art and Crafts

Here are some ideas for some arts and crafts. I hope you enjoy them. Please share photos of what you do with your class teacher so I can see them! Have fun! - Miss McDonald

How to create an oil pastel seasons picture

Here is a slideshow taking you through the process of creating a 'seasons' picture using oil pastels.

Why not paint some rocks and leave them somewhere for people to see? Maybe when you are going for a nice walk with your family you can leave them beside a bench or a lamp post. Here are some I did. Remember and share yours with me on my masterclass google classroom!

How to make Puffy Chalk Paint

Here is a slideshow on how to make puffy chalk paint. Make sure to ask permission from a parent first and clean it up after with a hose. Have fun!

I used this website for instructions on how to make an origami crane. After I made a few I decided to make a hanging mobile using thread, cardboard cut into a circle and some ribbon. If you find it a bit tricky to make the crane, ask a parent for help.

Mosaic Art - Cut up pieces of coloured paper into small squares, arrange into a pattern and glue down to stick.

Working together

Remember to

decorating stones

smile and

to spread cheer

give love

How did you have fun?

I had lots of fun painting rocks along with my mummy.

I used Fimo to make a rainbow. I rolled different coloured fimo into sausages and stuck them together to make my rainbow. My Mum helped me to bake it in the oven.