
Playing with Lego is a really great way to keep your brain active whilst having fun. Its also good for developing your fine motor skills! For anyone that has Lego at home here are some idea of things to make.

YouTube has lots of tutorial videos on how to build things with Lego. Here's a link to a tutorial on how to build a Lego house.

Why not try this 31 day Lego challenge? Remember to upload pictures onto the 'classwork' section on your Google Classroom to let your teacher see what you've created!

Nathan - P5B

If anybody has watched Pacific Rim 1 then you will have seen Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon

They're the ones who are sent to protect San Fransisco from Leatherback and Otachi! Crimson Typhoon is the red one with three arms and Cherno Alpha is the green one! Cherno Alpha's head is not where the pilots' are but where his massive nuclear reactor is stored! sadly they both get destroyed. The reason I built them is because they are my 2 favourite jaegers (pronounced ya-ger, A jaeger is a massive mech built to protect the world from gaint monsters! It needs 2 pilots to run and guess what? Jaeger means hunter in German!) I did not use instructions, these are all just of my own skills!

Callan P7

Masterclass efforts from 15-5-20


Lucas P7

Alex - P6

For Masterclass I made my name out of lego.

29th May 2020

Lego Treehouse

The challenge was to create a tree house using any materials you want. Jacob created this fabulous house. I think it looks like a great party house.