Out 01





Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2012, CET 18:39, GMT 16:39

Subject: Psalm 104. Undervisning i camouflage/kryptering ? -

Var: Found Det Periodiske System (inside the Bible), de 430 og 190 år ...

The main-program (message from ET, Aliens)

14639 news:5050ba89$0$284$14726298@news.sunsite.dk





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[ ... cut 01 ... ]

Salme 104 *mistænkes* således for at være endnu en såkaldt "godbid", idet ...

følgende markør er blevet fundet:


=== citat start ===


This story begins in ancient Egypt with Amenhotep IV.

(l350-1334 BC). He has been identified as uniquely the

first "monotheist" worshipping his single god "Aten", the

Sun. Aten, similar to the ancient Egyptian god "Ra", was

represented by the sun-disk, was the creator of all life,

and was a god of goodness and divine benevolence.

Amenhotep was so sincere that he changed his name to

Akenaten [also spelled Iknaten].

In each of the three divisions of the Egyptian empire

Egypt, Kush, and Syria, he built a temple consecrated to

Aten. He took up residence in a city he had built called

Akhetaten, known today as the Tell el-Armarna in the

southeastern part of Egypt. Aten represented a universal

power that paralleled the Pharaoh's growing power over

the known world. Akenaten actually paid individuals to

proselytize his cult of Aten. However, the faith never

became popular.

During Akenaten's reign, Egypt's power significantly

declined. When Akenaten died, his temples were destroyed.

Among the few remains of his cult were hymns found

written in the tombs of the proselytes at Amarna. The

longest of these hymns to Aten is noted to be similar to

the Psalm 104, written for the Bible hundreds of years


[ ... ]

=== citat slut ===

Kortfattet dansk resumé:

Henved 1000 år *før* Salme 104s tilblivelse er en næsten

*identisk* tekst blevet fundet i Egypten!

Intet andet sted i Bibelen er denne type markør blevet fundet indtil dato!

Salme 104 er altså *ekstra-ordinært* markeret !

Det interessante - i denne *specifikke* sammenhæng - er, at Det Periodiske

Systems "fingeraftryk" findes i Salme 104 i camoufleret/krypteret form, idet ...

61+ 43 = 104