
My expectations concerning my mobility to Finland in May

My expectations towards my mobility to Finland are high for several reasons such as the possibility of getting to know the Finnish culture, traditions, gastronomy, meeting new colleagues of my age, and so forth. 

It’s very exciting to get to know a different country, with a reality different from ours, and to learn new things at various levels. I'm anxious to get to know historical places and landmarks of Finnish history.

I’m also so thrilled to go to this country whose inhabitants are considered the happiest in the world (according to some studies).

Personally, I am very happy and looking forward to going to Finland. Because I will definitely enjoy this mobility with my colleagues and teachers.

Afonso Henrique Pereira, 9th C (AEVO)

The most awaited trip!!!

When I heard that my next trip with Erasmus+ would be to one of the world's most developed countries, I was very happy. Until then, I couldn't think about anything else but the aurora borealis, reindeer, snow, saunas, and the high levels of education that make this country, the happiest in the world.

One of my priorities is to experience as much as possible of the country's culture. In my opinion, this is the only way to say that we really know a place and have not just been there. Unlike my other trip, where I stayed in a hotel, this time I will be hosted by a Finnish girl called Katri, which allows me to have a more enriching experience, both in forming connections with the people there and in experiencing the culture. She seems very kind, so I believe we will spend nice moments together in our free time.

I am also really looking forward to the programme created for the week. It sounds great and has several activities and workshops, but all very interesting! I am especially looking forward to the library workshop and the cooking one. Likewise, I hope to have time to draw the main attractions and monuments so they are recorded in my sketchbook for the moments I want to remember.

It is my second trip ever and I want to enjoy my time there as much as possible to make Finland unforgettable.

Sofia Borges, 10th A (AEVO)

I hope I will have a lot of fun in Finland!

I want to make new friends and meet my host family.

I really want to get to know the Finnish traditions, customs, traditional food, traditional music, etc.

I would also like to see snow but I probably won’t at this time of the year.

I want to explore the place I’m staying at, I want to go to local stores, to a shopping centre, to explore the forest and to other places

I really want and hope to have a lot of fun with my host and the new people I will meet!

Matilde Coutinho, 9th C (AEVO)

José Manuel Monteiro Serdoura   9.º B (AEE) 

Benedita Novo Ferreira  9th A (AEE)

Finland is one of the most famous countries, not just because of the population but also the landscapes, sports and culture.

The wait for the trip has been long and the anxiety just keeps getting bigger. We all expect to meet great people and make new friendships, more than that, I also expect to have one of the most enriching experiences of my life, since I will be able to live in a new culture, make new friends and learn new things.

I especially want to dive deeply into their ways of living, traditions, culture, and be able to try the famous sports, typical food and also the traditional musical instruments.

Memories stay in one's mind forever, and I'm sure I will make many of them...

Marta Tavares 10th A (AEVO)

I expect to engage in cultural exchange with local Finnish students. Participate in workshops, seminars, and discussions related to the Erasmus+ project theme. Explore the natural beauty of Finland, including its forests, lakes, and national parks. Experience long daylight hours due to the phenomenon of the Midnight Sun in northern Finland. Learn about traditional Finnish customs and try local cuisines such as Karelian pies, Salmiakki, and Finnish pastries. Improve language skills by practising Finnish with locals or learning from language exchange events. Visit renowned places like Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, and Lapland to appreciate Finnish architecture and history. Attend various music and arts festivals that often take place during the summer months in Finland. Develop a deeper understanding of European cultures through interactions with fellow Erasmus+ participants. Form lasting friendships and connections with people met during this unique educational and cultural experience.

Duarte Guerra 12th A (AEVO)

Hello, I'm Afonso Nogueira and I'm 16 years old.

When I got the news about getting selected to go to Finland (I got that news in Spain actually, hehe) I was so happy, because it's my second Erasmus+ trip and it's a beautiful country that everyone wants to visit (I guess).

So, my biggest expectations about going to Finland are: seeing snow, because I think it's so cool and soft; making friends that I will never forget; and knowing a new culture/way of living.

Hope to see you all soon!!!  :]

Afonso Nogueira 10th A (AEVO)