Gonçalos's Week

My mobility in the Czech Republic

Daily Reports

1st day (25/03/2023)

In the morning we said goodbye to our families and went to the airport by bus.

Our flight was delayed 40 minutes because of the French strike.

When we arrived, we were picked up by another bus to meet our host family at the local school.

We parted ways to go lunch at the families’ house. I ate cauliflower soup with bread, American style potatoes with meat and spinach, and some candies, fruit and a coffee for dessert, and I absolutely loved it.

After lunch, I went for a walk around the neighborhood.

Then, we all met at school and did some activities.

Next, I went home and ate a goat cheese pizza for dinner.

I took a hot shower and prepared myself for the next day.

2nd day (26/03/2023)

I slept like a baby (as if I was hit by a truck in the middle of the night) and got ready for the day ahead.

We went on a trip to an old volcano (which we climbed like mountain goats) and the view was amazing *****.

Next, we went to a restaurant to have lunch, after that we visited a glass art museum (Sklarske Muzeum Novy Bor) and a destilary owned by Pepca's brother.

After that, we all met up at the bowling alley where we played for hours and had dinner.

We said goodbye and went home to prepare ourselves for the next day.

3rd day (27/03/2023)

Today I woke up better than yesterday (thankfully), I got dressed and had breakfast.

We walked to school today while it was snowing (it was my first time seeing snow falling), once there I watched a German class while they were having a test (it was boring).

Next, we went to the auditorium and got a personalized and signed T-shirt as a gift, and we also gave them some presents as well.

We went to a classroom to attend a lecture about climate change.

Then, we had lunch (It was so fancy, I wish our school was similar), it was really good!

We went back to the classroom to do some presentations about "Porto Wine" and "Czech beer".

We went home and had dinner, and talked with the family for 2 hours (it was fun and enlightening).

I started assembling a 1000-piece puzzle so wish me good luck.

I also talked to my family through video call (I introduced them to Pepca as well) and got ready for the next day.

4th day (28/03/2023)

Today I woke up really good and looked outside, and to my surprise it was snowing.

I got ready and had breakfast, we went to school to catch the bus.

The bus took us the ice ring, we learned how to ice skate. and play hockey. I loved it, despite falling a lot!

Next, I went to a coffee shop nearby. From there we went to a restaurant (Sjivani restaurant) for lunch, in the afternoon we went on a guided tour in the Sjivani brewery (the beer was mediocre to say the least and the smell of the factory was not good).

The last place we visited was the snow-covered mountains.

We returned home and prepared ourselves for the next day.

5th day (29/03/2023)

Today I woke up feeling amazing and got ready for the day ahead.

We met up at the train station to go to Liberec city, once there we went to "iQ LANDIA". This place was full of demonstrations of things like: science, music, etc..., we also saw a science show (the guy was super funny and intelligent), it was really interesting and super fun.

Next, we went to the shopping centre to have lunch, I went to McDonald's, and went for a walk.

Later on, we met up at the train station and went home. There I had dinner and played "Man don't get mad" (in Portuguese it is called "Ludo") and a card game.

I went to my room and got ready for the next day.

6th day (30/03/2023)

Today I woke up really well, but sad to know it was my last full day with the family.

I got ready and went to the train station.

We went to the "Bohemian Paradise" region. Once there we climbed the mountains and admired the amazing view of the region. Next, we went to a restaurant on the mountain top, to have lunch or just a drink.

On the way back down, it started to rain heavily, the mud made us go through the longer way around and went home by bus and not by train.

I changed my wet clothes for some dry ones, and had some hot tea.

A bit later we went to school for the "farewell party", there we ate typical Czech food and drinks. We had a great time dancing and singing.

At the end of the party, we all went home. I packed my things with the help of Pepca's mother (I wouldn't have done it without her help), and got ready for the next day (the goodbyes day.

7th day (31/03/2023)

Today I woke up really sad because I knew I had to say goodbye to my host family.

I got dressed, had breakfast, went to the train station and said goodbye to Pepca's parents.

We went to Prague by train. There we went to our hotel, to put our things there.

We went on a walk through the city, seeing the old architecture of the city.

Next, we had lunch at the closest shopping center.

Then we said goodbye to our host.

We went back to the hotel and got ready for dinner. Which was amazing (I had a street "hotdog"*).

We went back to the hotel, had a long conversation with my travel companions and got ready for the next day.

8th day (01/04/2023)

Today I woke up really sore, because the bed was not very comfortable.

I took a shower, got ready and went downstairs for breakfast (I had an American style breakfast).

We packed up our stuff and went on a walk through the city (we bought memorabilia for our families and ourselves).

Then we got horrible news, our flight was cancelled. We had a fast lunch at McDonald's and headed back to our hotel to get our stuff, and then waited in a park next to a statue for almost 4 hours waiting for better news. After a long time, we went to a hotel where we were supposed to have a reservation, but we didn't, the owners were kind enough to let us stay in their "bar area" till we solved our problem.

Some hours later we had some pizza and got the news we were waiting for, we had a hotel to stay for the night.

We gave them a tip and went to the hotel by tram.

There we went to our rooms and prepared ourselves for the next day.

(We still didn't have a flight home).

9th day (01/04/2023)

I woke up amazingly, because the bed was really cozy and we finally had a flight home. The flight was on TAP airlines, but it's better than nothing, I guess.

We got ready and went downstairs to have breakfast.

We got our stuff and went on a walk through the city. We had lunch at an Italian restaurant, and the food there was amazing (I had the best lasagna in my life).

From there we went to the airport by metro and bus.

We waited there for some hours and finally after a 1h30m delay we entered the plane and flew home (to Lisbon).

In Lisbon we got our suitcases (some were broken) and got on a bus.

The bus took us to the place we had left our families 9 days before, our school, we arrived there at 4 am on Monday (so technically we were on a 10-day trip).

We finally were back to our families and our homes after so much time away.

I loved this experience, even with the problems we had on the way. I would do it again, who knows maybe next year.

Either way I am happy I accepted this opportunity and have no regrets on doing so.

This is the end of the journey, for now...