

My expectations for the Czech Republic are really high.

I have seen so much pictures on the internet about this country and all look so beautiful and calm, and the food? - Hmm… looks so delicious!

I’m also excited to see and touch snow, and try new activities - like ice skating.

The Czech Republic seems to be a really different country from Portugal and with a culture very distinct from ours, and I’m so happy to have the possibility to get to know and see this country in person and draw my own conclusions.

Cristiana Rodrigues, 10.th B (AEVO)


I hope I will meet a lot of people and new places. I want to have fun with my new friends and enjoy the week gaining more skills and broader perspectives. I’m really excited to go bowling because it will be my first time ever, I’m also exhilarated to go ice skating and also just spend time learning new things. I’m excited to see the similarities and differences between both countries.  All in all, I hope I will have a good time and I hope to learn from my new friends.

Carolina Monteiro, 9th C (AEVO)


I’m really excited to go to the Czech Republic. It is a different country and I’m looking forward to exploring their culture. I didn’t host anyone from Czech Republic when the group came back in November and I didn’t spend a lot of time with them either so I’m excited to know them better.

I’m excited to go there especially now that I've learned about the week's programme. It’s been almost a year since I went to Croatia and Hungary, and I’m missing the feeling of flying and knowing I’m in another country with my friends and without my family.

The place I’m most excited to go to is the “Czech Paradise” even though I know I’m going to walk a lot there. And I’m really excited to go to Prague and spend the night in a hotel.

Mafalda Azevedo, 9th C (AEVO)

Czech Paradise, with Mira

Prague, with the group

Bowling at Mladá Boleslav; the winners of the night

My expectations concerning the

mobility to the Czech Republic


One of the weeks I'm most looking forward to is getting closer and closer... The mobility to the Czech Republic!

In the week from 25th March to 1st April 2023, I together with nine other students who are part of the Erasmus+ team are going on mobility to the Czech Republic.

During the exchange week of the Czech students at our school back in November, I noticed their friendliness, feeling from early on that it was going to be an unforgettable mobility, as it happened.

Not expecting, I was selected for the mobility to the Czech Republic, and I admit that since the Czech students went back to their country, I have always felt the urge to go on this mobility.

On March 25th 2023, Saturday, we will leave towards the city of Mnichovo Hradiště and when we get on the plane, our adventure in the Czech Republic will begin.

I confess that I am anxious and with great expectations for this mobility. The expectancy of meeting our colleagues from the Czech Republic again, of meeting new people, a new culture, a new school, a new country... It will be good!

I am sure I will live great and unforgettable moments, with the best people.

André Campelo, 10th A (AEVO)


I visited Czechia two times, but I only stayed for a night, because we were on our way to another countries. But I always wanted to stay a little bit more, because this country is really clean, has really beautiful nature, architecture and history. In addition, the history of Ukraine and Czechia are connected at some points, that means I must visit this country. That's why I'm so excited about this trip (also because I'm going to meet my Czech friends one more time, a good reason to be exited about this little journey)!

*And I really want to try some national popular food in Czechia, because I'm a big fan of tasty food!

Mira Tkachuk, 10th A (AEVO)


Traveling to another country has been a dream of mine for a long time now, because I'm always interested in learning new things, and traveling is a great way to get to know new people and new cultures.

After getting to know the program for the week I got even more excited because of many reasons such as: being a stage person myself I never miss the opportunity to see a show, as I love to see other people’s work for inspiration and technique learning; I love to take walks in nature and admire the landscape; being in another country is a great way to train my English and improve my social skills; another thing I love doing is tasting new foods and drinks. As I'm going to do most of those when I go there, my expectations and my excitement are high — I’m on cloud nine!

I hope not to get disappointed!

Gonçalo Mesquita, 10th A (AEVO)


As minhas expectativas para a Chéquia são bastante elevadas, visto que irei fazer atividades que nunca fiz. Além disso, estou ansiosíssima para conhecer outras pessoas e para conhecer a cultura checa.

O clima frio será um desafio, porém acredito que o consigo aguentar.

Será a minha primeira vez em outro país com o grupo de Erasmus, será a primeira vez que estarei no lugar dos alunos que já vieram cá e estou entusiasmada para essa experiência.

Inês Beatriz Pereira, 12.ºD (AEVO)