Matilde's week

Day 1

On my first day, I had the chance to finally meet my host family. They are really nice and friendly and treat me like an actual daughter of them haha.

At school, I met my hosts and the other Finnish families, who are really nice and friendly!!

 Then we had some ice-breaking activities, we played a memory game, we said some facts about ourselves with literally toilet paper😂, we ate right after that and then we just went outside and played football and basketball.

Then it was time for me and my host family to go home, but we stopped at a grocery store to buy food for dinner (which was delicious), and I had the opportunity to buy stuff that Portuguese grocery stores don’t have!!

And finally, we got home, Ella and her mom showed me their house and then her mom began cooking dinner for us. After dinner, Ella and I watched a movie and then we went to the centre with some Finnish and Portuguese people and got a tour of the place. And, of course, we went to a playground and started playing basketball.

Day 2

 Today I had the chance to meet a lot of new people because we had an activity where we had to make groups with Finnish people.

 After that, we had a little break and went to have lunch which I didn’t like 😂! It was a kind of mashed potatoes but with meat, I thought I would like it but the potatoes didn’t taste like potatoes 😂.

 After lunch, me and some friends just walked around the school (which is really big), and we can walk in there without shoes which is actually really comfortable.

Then it was time for us to go to the music class, the teacher Ollie (I think that’s how you write his name) was really really nice to us, he taught us how to play the guitar and then we played a Portuguese song. I think that was my favourite part of the day!

 After the music class, me and my host head home and just lay down in bed waiting for dinner!

Day 3

I think day three was my favourite until now because I had so much to do and it was really fun!!

 The day started normally, we went to school and met up with our friends, then we had to go to the local library.

 We did a lot of fun things there, we explored the library and then we had a workshop where we painted a tote bag! I love how mine turned out!

 After that, we just waited in the library for the second group to finish their tote bags (we had to split into two groups).

 After this activity, we went back to school and had lunch (which I liked!). It was a soup that had a meaty flavour, bread with butter, some cucumber and pancakes!! (They were my favourite thing).

 After lunch, it was time to go to the host’s class but I couldn’t so I went with my friend's host.

 And then we had the “escape room” in math class, we had to solve some puzzles to get to open a box with caramels 😂.

 And then, the best part: the baseball game. I never thought I would like to play a sport so much in my life, but I really enjoyed it! And I was really good honestly. The Finnish people told me I was way better than some actual Finnish students, and it was just my first try playing that!! (I think I found a new hobby).

And then I just went home and had dinner!

Day 4

 The fourth day was really tiring, I had a lot to walk and do.

 The day started with me waking up earlier because I had to get to school at 8, then I had my host’s class, after that, I met with my friends and the day officially started!

 The first thing I did was go on a walk in Tyrnävä with a group of Finnish people. We explored the forest and saw abandoned places which were really cool.

 After that activity we had lunch! (Which I did NOT like at all) it was boiled potatoes with a weird chicken sauce…

 Then we just had a workshop where we made traditional Finnish snacks, and they were really good I could eat that every day without complaining!!

 And after that, I, my host and my friend and her host went to a second-hand shop where I bought a really cute shirt, and then the shopping centre where I also bought really cute things!!

Then the day ended, unfortunately!

Day 5

On day five we did a lot of things like usual, we got to school, went to my host’s class and then I met up with my friends.

Afterwards, we went to a class and then outside to do an activity, (I found the boy in my group really cute and it was so adorable seeing him try to speak English haha). We made a tea and then we looked at birds!

After that, I just went to my host’s class again, (English class)! After the English class, we went to a sports event. It was really fun and I met a boy who is really nice!!

And then we had a party with the families and some Finnish students who went to Portugal last year and it was really fun. I and that boy talked a lot and became really good friends! Then I said goodbye to a lot of people and went home.