More about 5G

5G is a dangerous threath to our health, freedom and future. Made originaly as a wapon it's important to understand what's going on and how 5G is damaging your health. There are some good alternatives to 5G. Specific found by Nicola Tesla. He showed easy transmission of energy and data without any harm. Based on Natural principles he showed the endless possibilities. Making the choice to use 5G the decision is specific to destroy health in general. Disturbing Nature and Natural processes. Why?

Wireless Silent Spring Physicians for Safe Technology;

May 2020; The 5G mass- experiment; Big promisses, unknown risks;

Removed from LinkedIn with no reason

An electronic silent spring;

Wat is spininversie? - de werkwijze en gevolgen van verkeerde straling technische en natuurlijke

Te Secret Power of Sound, Vibration and .. Curing and making ill. Both are possible;

Understanding Electromagnetic radiation;

From the link above;

"...The benefit of Oxygen absorption relative to frequency re-use is detailed in figure 2. Figure 2 illustrates the distance relationship between the 60GHz frequency reuse range, the green region, and the traditional range, the blue region. Oxygen absorption makes possible the same-frequency reuse within a very localized region of air space. Operation within the 60GHz millimeter wave spectrum enables very dense interference free deployment of same frequency radio terminals. ..."

  1. The secret behind 5G technology

  2. Employees at France's Biggest Phone company Undermine Country's 5G Push ;

The next one, the interesting part specific, start at two minutes;

Scientific aspects of 5G binding oxygen;

Behind the curtans.. ; specific tech companies rolling out a new war tool;