Town Lands

The Town of Eaton owns over 2000 acres of land. This part of the Natural Resource Inventory looks at several aspects of these lands. The boundaries of these lands were walked to determine how well marked the boundaries are and whether they need to be updated. The Boundaries section shows the boundaries of each forestry unit of town land along with notes about the status of the boundary markings.

Most of these lands are forested. Town forester, Dan Stepanauskas, has surveyed these lands and created maps showing key features and the types of trees that predominate in different areas. His maps are shown in the Forest Types section. A similar inventory of town lands was conducted in 2000 following the 1998 ice storm. The results of this survey are presented in the Sewall Study section.

The Foss section zeros in on the blueberry fields around Foss Mountain and the management activities that have taken place to keep these fields and the summit of Foss Mountain open. Finally there is a section labeled History about when and how the various parcels of town land were acquired.Â