
People have an effect on the land in many different ways. Roads divide the land making it harder for some species to move around. Construction of housing creates impervious surfaces which can have an impact on surface waters and aquifers. Septic systems effect the surrounding soils and may lead to contamination further afield. Farms alter the landscape with the potential for both beneficial and detrimental effects. Recreational activities may inhibit some wildlife from using the same spaces and may cause more permanent damage. Past generations may have left marks that still effect the landscape. Educational activities are intended to give us a better understanding of our world but need to be careful not to disrupt the very systems they are studying.

Aesthetic considerations may lead to zoning changes and private choices that help preserve some areas. Conservation efforts may help protect sensitive environments and mitigate some negative human impacts. Town boards need to work with the owners of open space land in making choices that help preserve the natural systems we depend on and continue to make Eaton a wonderful place to live for generations to come.