Combined Maps

Sometimes it is helpful to look at several map layers overlaid on each other so that you can see how different layers are related to one another. Each map in this section includes several layers. You can turn these layers on and off individually, allowing you to choose which layers to view and compare.

The maps you can view include layers that are thematically related: maps of land, water, biology, people, planning, and conservation. You can see the list of layers in a map by pressing the ">>" button in the upper left corner of the map. You can turn a layer on or off by clicking the check box in front of the layer name. As with the other maps you can zoom in using the "+" button, zoom out using the "-" button, slide the map by holding down your mouse button over it and dragging it, and return to the original map by clicking on the 'home' button.


These maps were all assembled using ArcGIS. The source of any individual map layer can be found in the Soures information at the end of the page on which that layer appears by itself. For example, the source for the Wildlife Action Plan Habitat Ranking layer on the Biology map can be found at the end of the 'Habitat Ranking' page in the Biology section.