Next of Kin

Who is your Next of Kin?

Do you know who is down as your next of kin at work? at University? on your NHS records?

It's a very good idea to set the record straight and make sure that you have exactly who you want down as next of kin. This person can be whoever you want, so long as you have spoken with them and they are happy to be down on file. Many of our community put long-term close friends, colleagues and romantic/sexual partners.

These things may seem daunting, but it is best to get them sorted so you know you are protected. You can do this. 

Medical Next of Kin

Your medical next of kin is someone you nominate to receive information about your medical care. Next of kin on a hospital form means the person nominated by the patient, or identified as the person who is closest to them. They will be kept informed about your care.

If you have not chosen a next of kin, it will usually be assumed to be a close blood relative, spouse or civil partner.

The NHS has a free-to-download Next of Kin Card, which you can fill in and carry with you. You can provide details of the person who you’d wish to be contacted if you were admitted to, or died in hospital.

This is separate to an inheritance next of kin which is not covered by this leaflet by The Patients Association. We would recommend that you read the full leaflet:

Confused? The Patients Association free helpline is 0800 345 7115.

Inheritance Next of Kin

When a person dies without leaving a valid will, their property (the estate) must be shared out according to certain rules. These are called the rules of intestacy. A person who dies without leaving a will is called an intestate person.

Only married or civil partners and some other close relatives can inherit under the rules of intestacy.

Confused? Citizens Advice have a free Adviceline. For the number to call in your region see their Contact Us section.