Early Childhood Program Enhancements

Yoga for Children

Each year in my methods course, I have Marsha Silverstein come to teach my students children's yoga. Marsha is a former early childhood educator who is now a certified children's yoga instructor. She teaches yoga in childcare centers throughout New York and New Jersey, and many of my students have experienced her work in their fieldwork and internships. The training session she offers is incredibly valuable for my students as future educators. Children's yoga methods help children focus, control their bodies and emotions and feel good about themselves. The methods are being incorporated into schools throughout the country, and my students are well versed in how to conduct sessions with children.

The Wonder of Learning Exhibit (April 2015)

The focus of my early childhood program is "whole child" and "Reggio Emilia inspired." Students are taught to be protagonists in the classroom, and follow the children's play, talk and interests when creating curriculum and learning experiences. While I talk a great deal about the Reggio Emilia Approach and show them materials and pictures from Reggio Emilia, Italy, I wanted them to experience the approach and view actual work and documentation from Italy. In 2015 The Wonder of Learning exhibit came to New York City from Italy. It was a display of Reggio Emilia school's work and provided actual experiences that the children worked and played in. I was able to gain access for my students, SUNY Rockland teacher education students and the Campus Fun and Learn Staff. It was a great day of learning and play and really brought the approach and the philosophy behind it to life. Below is a link to the exhibit's informational page and pictures of us from the visit: