Expressions of Gender Equity and Feminism 

Elizabeth Eve King


Elizabeth Eve King


Elizabeth Eve King


Jing Kong

Qiongzi x

Her World

Qiongzi x

Visitor interactive with it

Qiongzi x


This project is the artistic installation "Her World'" that aims to address pressing social problems and gender issues through storytelling through various visual media.

Roberta Weissman Nagy

Roberta Weissman Nagy

The existing threatening phenomenon of gender.

I chose only one of my works in which I thematize the existing threatening phenomenon of gender. I made shoes out of steel, I took the cut from my old shoes in which I went to work, to lectures. Today, I don't know any male professor or engineer who would be criticized for the way he dresses on a construction site or college, and no one would draw conclusions about his ability based on his appearance and outfit.

In my country, a woman is not judged by her expertise, but by the amount of imposed clothing iconography. Her ability as a scientist, not questioned at all, because the primary thing is how she walks, how she dresses and how much of a "lady" she is. is in the eyes of those who impose the norms. Only then does its strength and value come to the fore. She shines on the outside... she often bleeds from suffering on the inside..... In my country, men from the Catholic group of believers kneel in the squares and pray for the purity

of women and the recognition of men as the head of the family and society.

Marissa D’Zio

Hidden Perfections was my way of drawing awareness to the imperfections we may see in ourselves and highlight them instead of covering them up. In my personal time, I dabble a lot in the makeup industry. It’s a separate hobby of mine to do makeup art on myself and others and I constantly marvel at the industry’s obsession with covering up the faults in our skin. Not only for red spots, acne, and hyperpigmentation, but many people will exclude stray hairs and moles from their photos in order to look more picturesque. In defiance of these norms, I decided to go against what the beauty industry works so hard on to hide and bring the eyes attention to parts of myself that I feel insecure about. Focusing on what people would call, imperfections, I decided to draw light to those areas by adding colorful butterflies which contrasted with my white attire and black hair. This piece guides the viewer through a captivating journey from concealment to celebration, an invitation to let your true self shine.  

Anastasiia Marinich

Estella & Aran

Estella & Aran

Estella & Aran