Alejandra Coirini Solo Exhibition

Winner of the Art Contest: "Abstract", organized by the Community Art Channel. Alejandra Coirini, is one of the winners of the first place award, which has been awarded to two participants. 

Biography, Alejandra Coirini, Argentina.

Formal studies,

National Faculty of Fine Arts specialization in Painting, National School of Fine Arts

Prilidiano Pueyrredón.

Bachelor's degree in Visual Arts, specialization in Painting. 

Professional improvement in Lithography at the Graphic Editing and Training Center of Buenos Aires.

Lithography specialization course, Ernesto de la Cárcova Museum, UNA.

Professional improvement, engraving specialization, AMA Arte Múltiple Argentino.

Professional Activities,

Second Head of scenography workshop, Teatro Colón of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Visual Teacher, Higher Institute of Art of the Teatro Colón (ISATC).

Development of dual course (virtual-face-to-face), Scenographic Realization.

From a very young age she participated in national and international Salons and

competitions, winning multiple awards for her work. She presented individual exhibitions and her work was included in biennials and national and international art fairs.

Artist Statement, The Old Jobs

The presented artworks are a series of lithographs whose theme is based

on old jobs. Those works lost in time, that remember our ancestors.

I like to work with old scenes images, bringing them to the present,

reviving the characters, incorporating some animals into the scenes,

blending in, giving a magical twist to the work, where the characters

are so incorporated that it is difficult to know who the protagonist is.

Social Media Links 

 You can follow her career through the networks and on her website:

Istagram: @alejandracoirini
