Prayer Shawl Ministry

“I noticed my spirit engaged in a new way, knitting while praying. I found that each stitch invoked a prayer as it slipped through my fingers from the left needle to the right. It was a wordless prayer – an awareness of Divine Presence. Creating each new stitch with the tactile passage of soft yarn through my fingers, awakened my mind and soul.” Peggy Rosenthal

The Prayer Shawl Ministry began at Christ Church in 2011. Seasoned and novice knitters came together to combine their enthusiasm for knitting and crocheting into a prayerful ministry to reach out to those in need of comfort or solace. The shawls are a tangible symbol of our inclusive, unconditionally loving God, providing warmth, caring, peace, joy, hope and soft beauty. Each shawl begins with prayers for the recipient. Intentions and blessings continue throughout the shawl’s creation.

Shawls are offered to those in the midst of transitions, such as illness, death of a loved one, loss of a job, or any other unexpected or challenging time. The Prayer Shawl Ministry also makes baby blankets to be given in welcome at Baptisms. Small pocket-size prayer shawls are in baskets in the office foyer and in the narthex, always available for anyone who would like to have one.

You can support this important ministry by offering names of individuals who would appreciate a shawl, by knitting a shawl, baptism blanket, or pocket prayer shawl, or by donating yarn or money for materials.

For more information, or to get started on a project, contact Maggie Thompson at (802) 454-4635, or Rilla Murray at (802) 229-0416.