Hearts Afire! Initiative

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May God give you grace not to sell yourselves short, Grace to risk something big for something good, Grace to remember that the world is now too dangerous for anything but truth, and too small for anything but love. May God take your minds and think through them. May God take your lips and speak through them. May God take your hands and work through them. May God take your hearts and Set them on Fire! Rev William Sloane Coffin

Hearts Afire! Initiative

Christ Episcopal Church is embarking on a new initiative to energize our parish to better serve our parishioners and the Montpelier community. A proposal was submitted to the Vestry and approved. Read it below. 

If you are inspired by the initiative, let the Spirit direct you. This is not an initiative that will happen from the top, but it's intended to empower each member of the congregation to step out in faith and in the power of the Spirit to practice radical welcome at Christ Church. As our congregation ages and as we come into a new reality colored by our experience of Covid, we're in a changed world. This new world will require us to find new ways to "do" church and we want to be open to where the Spirit leads. 

If you have questions or would like more information, contact Diane Holland at (802) 223-2976 or at diane.holland@comcast.net

A Vision for the New Church (1).pdf