
Music is an essential part of the Christ Episcopal Church ministries! 

Every Sunday, the 10 am service includes:

• Congregational singing of hymns, responses, and psalms

• Anthems and psalms sung by the choir

• Instrumental music on the organ, and occasionally other instruments

We have a congregation that loves to sing, and we enjoy songs from many traditions.

To get involved with any aspect of our music ministry, please contact the choirmaster, Lynnette Combs by email at or by phone at (802) 371-5066.


The choir is a special treasure. Lovingly trained by Brian Webb, choirmaster for 40 years, the choir sings a wide-ranging repertoire and is musical leader of the 10 AM Sunday service every week.

From September through June, there is choir practice on Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Would you like to sing in different languages, learn about theology, improve your music skills, increase your knowledge of music theory, all while being part of a loving musical community? Then join the choir!

We especially welcome singers to “try us out” during July and August, when the commitment is only one Sunday at a time. We are also open to seasonal singers who cannot join us for the whole year.


The sanctuary is an acoustically warm space. We welcome solo performers and ensembles to present concerts here. The Taplin auditorium is also used for concerts. 


We are blessed with one of the finest pipe organs in the state. Built in 1972, the instrument was handcrafted by the workshop of Karl Wilhelm of Montreal, Canada. Mr. Wilhelm learned his craft in Germany and Switzerland; when he came to this continent, he began building instruments in the European style of the 1600s and 1700s. Our instrument, with two manuals and pedal, is modeled after North German organs of the late 1600s.

The instrument, a Karl Wilhelm two-manual organ built in 1972 in the North German style of the late 1600’s, is perfectly suited for the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, as is the acoustic in the neo-Gothic plaster-on-stone sanctuary.

We also have a Flemish style harpsichord, built in 1982 by Peter Tourin from materials manufactured by the Hubbard workshop of Boston.Two Steinway spinet p ianos, in the Parish Hall and the Taplin auditorium, are available forpublic use.