Spiritual Development and Support for Christ Church and the Wider Community

GRAINS is our ministry of spiritual support and development for Christ Church and the wider community.   Whether you identify yourself as a member of Christ Church, or as a member of the wider (how wide? worldwide? multi-dimensionally wide?) community, if you are looking for spiritual support or development, we invite you to be in touch and see if we can develop a way to support you. 

GRAINS is currently on hiatus.  Under consideration is the question whether GRAINS is called to co-sponsor Living Mosaic, a project of the Spark of Humanity network.  Living Mosaic is a conversation based on the understanding that there is a solution to the current heartbreak in the world and its causes.  We are envisioning the solution as a living (and evolving) mosaic of which we are each unique and essential tiles.  How do we become, and support each other in becoming, the unique and essential bit we are designed to be?  Click here for more information on Living Mosaic.

Spark Project

Associated with our GRAINS ministry is the Spark Project: “In everyone, in each one of us, there is a spark of humanity, of CHRIST.”  To learn more, visit the Spark of Humanity website or send them an email.

The network also offers sessions for practice and application by teleconference every two to three weeks. To learn about upcoming events, visit the website above.