Sun Yushan Amway

From an Anonymous Ex-Schoolmate

To be honest, I don't pay much attention to or understand the river, but everytime I see something about the river, I will search for Sun Yushan. My good friend is good friends with Sun Yushan, so I got to know about her and the river.

At that time, the junior high school we attended was the one with the best results in the area. The students studying there will basically spend their whole lives following the same steps. 95% or more of people's growth trajectory is built on stacks and stacks of exam papers, we are taught to only move forward according to the established track. We are not allowed, nor are we brave enough to break free.


But Sun Yushan did it.

The year before she joined BEJ, she already auditioned for SNH but failed at the last hurdle. She didn't give up, andd finally became what she wanted to be. In my eyes, she is synonymous with bravery.

Sun Yushan, let's try harder, just like you did back then. let's fight again, practice singing well, practice dancing well. I believe you can do better.

I also hope that more people will follow her and take notice of the tall and thin girl who always stands in the corner. She is really very good, she is always improving and deserves to be liked. 

The stars will shine one day, and the spotlight will shine in the corner, right?







