Zhang Xin's Letters for HII's 5th Anniv.

To Lin Shuqing

TO: The world's most adorable Xiao Qing

You are the junior who has joined TEAM HII most recently. Even though I only met you at the beginning of this year, I can see through your performances and outside of them that you really love SNH48. After you made a mistake dancing <Qingchun Shandian>, you practiced over and over until you became the first member to perform for every unit in Orange Miracle. Everybody can see how much you have improved and you will definitely be popular. Love you~


To Wang Yi

Yiyi meimei

When you first came to TEAM HII, you were shy and didn't dare to say much during MCs but you now have more and more of your own style. Your stage presence has also improved which I'm glad to see. Even though you are born after 2000, you're still a big kid. Why are you able to grow taller than me who is born after 1995? I hope that you will be able to achieve good results with TEAM HII in the future!


To Yuan Yiqi

TO: Qiqi didi

I often write your "qi" incorrectly but I finally got it right this time. After hearing your birthday wishes for me, sigh now I think of you when I went out for dinner. Even though you really are a little brother [T/N1], I can still see the more vulnerable side of you sometimes. I feel that the two of us are similar in this sense. In the future, let's both be a little stronger together. If you have time, come to 342 [T/N2] to play, let's cook instant noodles. There's a lot I want to say but there isn't enough space here so I'll tell you more later.

T/N1: As opposed to being more feminine and having all the stereotypically associated traits, eg. being emotional.T/N2: The dorm room












经常把你的“琦”写错,终于写对了。那天听了你对我的生日祝福,嗨 现在出去约饭想到了你。虽然你真的很“弟弟”,可是有时候也能看到脆弱的一面,总觉得我们有时候挺像的--脆弱程度。以后互相都要坚强一点。然后,有空多来342玩,常来煮泡面。想写的很多,这里快要写不下了,饭局上细说。
