Zuo Jingyuan 20221210

Yang Bingyi Reads Yuan Yiqi's Birthday Letter

My beloved Zuozuo: Happy birthday! Initially, I was supposed to sing a duet with you for your birthday stage, it's a shame that I missed this opportunity. I don't know if your performance went smoothly. In my eyes, you have always been a little kid who does things her own way. You always say things that I didn't think of and make points that cause me to laugh. Even though we will argue with one another, you are still my good friend. When I first got to know you, you weren't in Shanghai yet. At that time, we were always looking for opportunities to meet up but you were always the first to know what was going on in my life and you would send me text me to talk about it. Now that you have come to Shanghai, there are many people that care for you which makes me feel relieved. I used to worry about you constantly but now I feel extremely relieved. I still remember the first time I celebrated your birthday with you: You were crying secretly in the dance studio in Shanghai. At that time, I came to visit with you with cake but you didn't want to be caught crying. Now, I feel that you have a sense of stability. To me, a person doesn't have a definite destination in their life, so there also aren't places where people are meant to stay for long. This may be another rest stop for you but I still hope that you are happier here than before. I used to advise you often, saying: You need to be calm, you need to think clearly, you shouldn't do this, you shouldn't do that, you should do this, you should do that. But now I realize that you are not so burdened. You do what you want to do, you say what you want to say, making sure you live well should be your first priority. You shouldn't care about others' opinions, so I hope that you will focus on your own happiness instead. When you eat, make sure to eat well. Work hard but also rest well and treasure the people who love you. If you have some free time, play well. Be yourself, do what you want to do [T/N1]. If you are willing to change, you will become a seed. When you stay true to yourself, you will become a special cactus [T/N2]. I love you~ When I'm back, let's play together. Remember to relax~

T/N1: It's unclear to me what YBY said so I am unable to translate that phrase, although the entire sentence is to the effect of  "do what you want to do"T/N2: YYQ literally says "special cactus" here, my assumption is that it is because cacti are able to defend themselves due to their thorns

Liu Xiaohan's Text Message

Hahahaha~ Let me praise you! Zuozuo qianbei is both pretty and kind-hearted~ You are the most fair~ You give me love hhh~ You're really awesome and interesting! There's nobody in Heaven or on earth who can compare to your beauty! Not only are you pretty, kind-hearted and sing well but you are also humorous and talented! With you, the air becomes sweeter! You are the most gua and the most handsome! You are TEAM X's 1 hahaha~ You are the qianbei that I love the most~ or at least one of them hahahaha~ May your birthday stage go well! I believe that you will be the most amazing! Jiayou jiayou~ Even though I won't be able to perform on the 10th, my heart will be with you hhh~ I will jiayou with you hahahaha~ 🥰🥰🥰 Love you~



亲爱的左左:生日快乐!本来应该出现在你的生日公演跟你申请对唱,可惜现在错过了。不知道你表演的是否顺利呢 在我的眼里,你一直是一个我行我素的小孩子,总次一说出一些我想不到的话,发表一些让我觉得很好笑的观点。虽然我们会发生矛盾真值,但在我心里你是我很好的朋友。刚认识你的时候你还不在上海。那个时候总是强着时间见面,你总是能知道我的一线消息然后马上发微信跟我聊天。现在你来了上海又有了很多对你真心的人其实让我很放心,放心了很多,以前总会担心你。还记得我给你过的第一次生日:你在上海舞蹈房里偷偷的哭,那时候我端着蛋糕来看你,你还不想被发现掉眼泪的事情,但现在我觉得你应该也有了安定的感觉吧。对我来说,一个人的一生是肯定没有目的地的,所以也没有长久租住的地方。这也可能只是你旅行的地方之一,但是我还是很希望现在的你一定要比以前快乐。我以前总是常常教训你,我说:你要冷静,你要想清楚,你不要这样,你不要那样,你要怎么怎么样才好,你要怎么怎么办才好。但现在才发现 在你身上好像少了很多身上不是很好的报复,你做你想做的,说你想做的,让自己好过才是你自己的第一追求。你不在意别人的看法是比较搭你的输出,所以现在的我希望你一开心为主吧。吃饭要吃好要吃饱,好好休息,好好工作,珍惜爱你的人,有空一起玩,好好做自己,做你想做的,想判意就判意 [T/N1],想收练就收练。你要愿意改变,你就会是一颗温柔的种子,当你依然可以坚持自我那你就是最特别的那一株仙人掌。爱你哦~ 等我回来请陪我玩。放松一下~

