Yuan Yiqi 20230114

Zuo Jingyuan's Birthday Letter

Hi, Qiqi baby. This is the first time I'm reading a letter to you on stage, I'm pretty nervous. I still remember that when I first got to know you, I felt that you were a hyperactive little brat [T/N1] Now, you have already become a shining superstar. Even though you're younger than me, I often feel that you are more mature than me and that you think like an adult. Perhaps it is because you have experienced a lot that you have grown up so quickly. There will be occasional conflict between the two of us, because I'm probably the most dumb, most stupid and most problematic friend that you have, but we will always make up. You understand me too much, you even understand me more than I understand myself. I often feel that you can completely see through me, which I initially disliked but I find that this makes me feel reassured now. There is no one in this world other than my mother who can understand me better than you haha. We never walk hand-in-hand like other friends, nor do we often bump shoulders because you don't like this kind of contact (YYQ: We can "what's up man"). You're always the cool-cool type. Now that I think of it, we haven't hugged in a long time. Happy birthday, Yuan Yiqi, can you hug me now?

T/N1: This is said affectionately



嗨琦琦宝宝 第一次在台上给你念信还真是挺紧张的呢。还记得第一次认识你的时候只觉得你是个运动神经很发达的小屁孩儿臭弟弟。现在已经是闪闪发光的大明星了。虽然你比我小,但是很多时候觉得你比我成熟,考虑问题很像个大人,也一定是因为经历了很多才会成长得这么快吧。我们之间偶尔会有一些矛盾,因为我应该是你朋友里面最笨、最傻、毛病最多的一个,但最后都会和好。你太了解我了,甚至比我自己还有了解我自己,就有很多时候被你完全看穿的感觉。之前是有点不喜欢这样的感觉的,但现在觉得这样挺让我安心的。比你这个世界上除了我妈妈以外还有人可以这么懂我 哈哈。我们从来不会像其他朋友那样手往着手逛街,也很少勾肩搭背因为你不喜欢这起接触(YYQ:我们可以 what's up man)你总是酷酷的。现在想想我们已经很久没有拥抱过了。生日快乐袁一琦,现在可以抱抱我吗?