SSK 20220820

FSJ Award Acceptance Speech

Hello everyone, I'm Feng Sijia of SNH48 TEAM HII. Thank you, everyone. To be honest, I really thought that I had no hope [of ranking] earlier, because I am actually someone who lacks self confidence. Even when I was in kindergarten, I was the slowest in class to finish drinking milk. When I was in primary school, most of the awards I won were for hard work [and not skill]. When I was in secondary school, my teacher told me, "Actually, you aren't stupid but you need to work harder." After I debuted, I mostly performed in the fourth row but, because I'm short, everyone might not even be able to see the top of my head. To be honest, I think that my growth comes from constantly admitting that I am ordinary. But it is this ordinary me that can now stand under the spotlight on this stage. So, I want to tell everyone watching from below the stage and everyone watching from behind the screen: maybe you were born into an ordinary household, maybe you enrolled into an ordinary school, maybe you only have an ordinary job, but don't give up the pursuit of your dreams, no matter what. Because, if I can do it, so can you. Finally, I also want to tell everyone: you are not wasting your time, rather you are learning from these experiences [T/N1]. Thank you, everyone.

T/N1: 沉淀岁月 is variation of 岁月沉淀 which refers to the various experiences in life that people grow from



哈喽大家好,我是SNH48 TEAM HII的冯思佳!谢谢大家。老实讲,我刚刚真的以为自己没什么希望了,因为我其实是一个非常没有自信心的人。那其实我从幼儿园的时候,然后我喝牛奶是全班最慢的。我读小学的时候,比起学习奖拿的更多的是劳动奖。我读中学的时候,我的老师常对我说:其实你不笨,但你要更努力才行。我入团以后,嗯现在常常现在在第四排跳舞。但是可能因为个子比较矮,大家可能连我的头顶也看不见。所以说其实我觉得我的成长是在不断接纳自己的普通和平凡。但是就是这样普通又平凡的我如今能够站在聚光灯下迎接这舞台的束光。所以我想跟台下的各位,也跟屏幕前的各位说:可能你出生在普通的家庭,可能你考上了一个普通的学校,可能你只有一份普通的工作,但是无论如何都不要放弃追寻美好。因为我可以,你也可以。嗯然后,最后还想对大家说:你没有在挥霍时间,一直在沉淀岁月。就这样,谢谢大家。