Jiang Shan 20221015

Li Jiaen Reads Zhang Yi's Birthday Letter

LJE: I have here a letter from a more distant place.

JS: Ah?

LJE: Yes, let me read it to you.

JS: Why are you so far away from me? [pulls LJE closer]

LJE: I'm going to start now.

JS: Okay

Shanbao, you must look very beautiful right now as you accept everyone's blessings on stage, just like a princess (if you didn't wear a skirt/dress, pretend I didn't say anything). I bet you didn't think I'd write you a letter, haha! First of all, I want to praise my baby: it must have been very tiring and exciting for this pretty girl to prepare for her birthday stage. Previously, you were always the one who was absent from my birthday stages, always busy filming hmph! Now, it's my turn to be absent and get my revenge. When I picked up my pen, I thought back to the many ordinary days that we spent together. In my mind, there's the Xiao Shan who acts cute, the Xiao Shan who was weak with stomach pain, the Xiao Shan who sang Sowing A Sun [T/N1] to me (you sang well, please don't sing again), and the second day after lockdown ended, we geared up to eat well outside and found out that we couldn't dine in so we walked two rounds around the Huangpu River, embarrassed. I don't know if you're lonely now that you're living alone, shouldn't you be happy to have the room all to yourself? Of course, I now often hear about the various good friends you play with. Our Xiao Shan is so pretty and cute, of course everyone likes you. There's so much that I can't say in this letter, after all I'm not the type of person that's good at writing letters. I wrote this because I want everyone to see how cute my Shanbao is. Even though she is often smiley, she also has many, many worries. I want to tell my baby: don't be afraid of the future, trust that you are better than you imagine. We will all eventually become the mature and capable adults that we dream of. To be honest, I never got to say this but I'm sorry that I couldn't stay with you until the end, I can't wait for you at 328 [T/N2] anymore and listen to you scold and insult me. The weather is getting colder, remember to wear warmer clothes. Yes, I miss you. Even in the days when we're apart, you still need to shine brightly.

JS: I love you, I really love you.

T/N1: a Chinese song, check it out hereT/N2: Dorm room

Sun Yushan's Birthday Letter

SYS: Okay then, I'll speak. Except, just now I- After I finished writing, I-

JS: Just say it.

SYS: Aiyah, it's not that. It's that- aiyah. I asked some people to take a look first, I was worried that I wouldn't write well because my language skills aren't that good (JS: it's fine) Don't hate me.

SYS: No, no. I won't.

SYS: Okay. Ah… I'm so nervous. What am I- I- Reading this letter today is what makes me the most nervous. Okay.

To my beloved Shanbao: hi, this year is the first time that I'm celebrating your birthday with you, the first time that I'm writing you a letter. Let's start from the first time I met you. At that time, the two of us were at Hengdian. You didn't know me but I knew you. I was anxious to death then because I didn't have any friends. I thought that you would be very cold but we ended up eating barbeque, went shopping and walked around together — yet you forgot everything! You told me that you don't remember all these things. Every time I bring up this time, you will always say: huh, did we [do this]? (JS: I remember, I remember we ate barbeque. SYS: And then? JS: Uh… uh… SYS: Uh… uh… JS: Uh… continue. SYS: Okay.)

I still remember that when we went shopping, you told me a lot of things. I still remember the expression that you had at that moment (SYS: oh, but you've forgotten already haha) Afterwards, we parted. When I came to Shanghai for the first time two years ago, when I received the news that I would be joining TEAM HII, you were the first person that I told. At that time, I thought to myself: if I'm able to join TEAM HII, you will be there, I will have one more thing to look forward to. Except, at the beginning, you were so busy and I didn't have a chance to see you at all. After a long, long time, there was an MC where the two of us were in a group together. I thought that we were not close at that time, but I remember that you took the initiative to link our arms together for the whole MC (JS: Huh? Right, right, I did it like this.) Afterwards, I thought ah… uh… that was embarrassing. After that, for some unknown reason, I ended up becoming closer to you, maybe there was some fate between us. You always pay special attention to my feelings. When I'm upset, you will comfort me, encourage me. Every time I go out with you, I feel very happy. Plus, I didn't think that this beautiful and adorable you is also such an elegant and gentle person~ (JS: You really- I want to scold you. SYS: This- This is genuine.) Also, I want to tell you a secret~ I've been liking you since a long, long time ago~ But, but, uhm, I didn't- didn't say it before. I hope that you will forever be this adorable, I hope that you will forever be happy, and I hope that we will be good friends forever. Happy birthday, Shanbao!

JS: Thank you, Shanbao. Hug Shanbao.

SYS: Okay, Shanbao.

JS: Not bad, your letter was not bad.

SYS: The letter was still okay, right?

JS: Yes, yes. Because it's Shanbao. [T/N1]

T/N1: to the effect of "because it's you"

Hao Jingyi's Birthday Letter

Hi, Jiang Shan. To be honest, after knowing you for so long, I didn't think that this would be the first time I participated in your birthday stage. It's also the first time that I'm reading a letter to you — you couldn't imagine that this would happen, right? To be honest, I haven't written a letter for anyone in a long time and I didn't know where to start when I picked up the pen. (HJY: Don't peak!) Let's begin by praising you then~ You're so pretty (JS: so precise) [T/N1] You're so pretty, incredibly beautiful — when people see you, they love you; when flowers see you, they bloom — so the image of you is a beautiful woman. In the beginning, I felt quite embarrassed every time that I talked to you. When I first joined TEAM HII, you took very good care of me and were very friendly to me. At that time, I didn't really understand what it was about my appearance that managed to attract you haha. Later on, when we became more acquainted with each other, I realized that you are a little bit foolish. You are foolish in the sense that at times, you can see clearly that you are suffering but have too much pride to admit it. You are foolish in the sense that (HJY: aiyah, I'm trembling) you are afraid of making mistakes and need a lot of reassurance. Even after receiving reassurance from the people around you, you still need time to convince yourself to stop; maybe this is what Libras do, constantly cross-examine. I'm so happy to be your friend. When I'm by your side, I'm frequently taken care of. For example, if I say, "I want to eat noodles, help me cook", you will actually cook for me! Even when I say this, sometimes I feel that I'm just causing trouble on purpose. (JS: that's true, not just for cooking! HJY: but you still cook for me haha) It doesn't matter if we're shopping, eating or doing something else, I feel that I don't need to worry around you; before I have even opened Maps to look for the road, you will already say, "I found it, let's go. It's this way." You're reliable. You really are a very trustworthy and reliable person, a good older sister to me! I like your cuteness, I like your childlike innocence. I hope that the things you enjoy will bring you unlimited happiness, I hope that you will not be hurt again, I hope that you will be braver — when you encounter something that you want to do, be brave and go for it. Happy birthday! Let's play more in the future together~

JS: Haobao~ Hug Haobao, hug Haobao

HJY: How was it?

JS: I feel that you didn't write it randomly, you wrote very diligently

HJY: Really?

JS: I- I can't- I didn't think that you uh…

HJY: You didn't, right?

JS: It's hard to put into words

LJE: Your feelings are a little heavy [T/N2]

JS: No, it's just-

HJY: It's not heavy

JS: It's just- To be honest, I always felt that Haobao took better care of me

HJY: Really?

JS: I think that you are the one who takes better care of me because , for example- Previously, I was away for a long time and I would send texts to you, I would come back to play with you. This is because I felt that you took good care of me. If I were to pick one person who I think would take good care of me, I think that it would be Haobao, that's why I will look for you to play. 

HJY: Ha? I think that you take better care of me hehehe

JS: Then, that's actually quite good

HJY: Yeah

LJE:  Then you are suitable for each other

SYS: You rely on each other

HJY: Yes, right

JS: Haobao, let's hug again?

HJY: Come here, come here

SYS: What about me?

JS: What is it?

SYS: What about me? I thought I was-

JS: What is it?

SYS: Never mind…

T/N1: HJY mispronounces some words here, which JS is teasing her forT/N2: referring to emotions being complex, difficult to decipher or put into words


LJE for ZY



LJE:啊 是的,让我来读个你听




杉宝,现在的你一定很漂亮像个小公主一样在台上接受大家的祝福吧(如果没穿裙子,当我没说)。我写信了,没想到吧哈哈!首先,夸夸宝:准备生日公演肯定很辛苦,而且一定很精彩,麻烦美女用力。之前都是你缺席我的生日公演,每次都是临时去拍戏hmph!这次是我缺席啦 报复报复。抬笔的时候,我想到我们一起度过了很多平凡的日子。我记忆里向我撒娇的小杉、肚子疼虚弱的小杉、给我唱种太阳的小杉(唱得很好,下次不许在唱了),还有解封第二天我俩摩拳擦掌准备狠狠吃一顿的时候发现不能堂食最后最后只能为着黄浦江逛了两圈的狼狈模样。不知道你现在一个人住会不会有点寂寞,该不是窃喜一个人独占房间吧?不过我现在经常听你提起现在玩的好朋友,我们的小杉这么漂亮这么可爱,当然在哪里都非常人喜欢。好多话其实不能私下说,毕竟也不是那种很会写信的人,写出来因为是想让大家都看看我杉宝有多可爱。她虽然一直笑嘻嘻的,但是又很多很多苦恼的事。想跟宝说:不要害怕未来,相信自己其实比你想象的更加优秀。我们终究都会成为心里那个成熟又游刃有余的大人。其实一直没说:很抱歉没有陪你到最后,不能在328等你,听你骂我一句狗贼。天气冷了,记得多多添衣服。对了,我想你了。在不能相互参与的日子里,也要熠熠生辉哦。

JS:爱你呃 我真的很爱你


SYS:好吧 那我来吧 哎呀 就是我刚才- 啊我写完之后我就


SYS:哎呀不是 就是哎呀 我就是那个给别人看 我害怕我写得不好 因为我最后语言匮乏 (JS:没事) 你不要嫌弃我 


SYS:好吧 啊我好紧张 我干-我就是-我今天给你念信就是最紧张 好吧

给我最爱的杉宝:嗨 今年是我第一次给你过生日、第一次给你写信,那就从第一次跟你见面回讲。那个时候我们俩都在横店 你当时不是认识我,但我认识你。我那时紧张要死,那里没有什么朋友。我还以为你会很高冷,结果我们在横店呢吃了烤肉、逛了街、散了步 然而你现在全忘了!还说你不记得这些事情!我每次跟你提说起来的时候,你都会说:呃 有吗?(JS:我记得我记得我们吃烤肉。SYS: 然后呢?JS:呃呃呃... SYS:呃呃呃... JS:呃...继续 SYS:行)我还记得我们在逛街的时候你还跟我说很多话。你当时的表情我现在还记得(SYS:哦 虽然你先忘了哈!) 然后呢我们就分开了。两年前,我第一次来上海,收到了我要来H队的消息,这件事我第一个就是告诉你了。我当时想的话:如果我能来H队的话,有你在,我就多了一份期待。可是呢当时开始,你真的好忙啊,每天都见不到你。过了很久很久还记得你上次公演那个MC我们俩一组,我以为是-我以为我们当时应该不是很熟了,但是我记得你当时就很主动的会牵-牵了我一个MC(JS:哈?对对 我就这样)然后我就觉得啊嗯 挺不好意思的 呃后来但是后来呢不知道什么原因了 然后最后慢慢跟你熟了,可能是明明之中有一些缘分吧。然后呢你总是特别会在我的感受,然后呢我难过的时候,你也会一边边的安慰我给我鼓励-鼓励!然后每次跟你出去玩,你也会很多很开心。而且只能想到这么漂亮这么可爱的你又是一个清奇又温柔的人呢~(JS:你真的-有那种想诤你呢 SYS:很-很真诚的)而且偷偷告诉你一个秘密哦~从很久很久之前我就开始喜欢你啦~ 但是 呃但是呢 就是呃没-没-没跟你说过。希望你永远都这么可爱、希望你永远都开开心心的、以后也希望跟你做永远好朋友的。生日快乐,我的杉宝





JS:嗯嗯 因为是姗宝嘛


你好,姜杉。属实是没想到认识你这么久居然是第一次参加你的生日公演,也是第一次给你念信 - 想不到吧?说实话已经很久没有给别人写过信了,提笔的时候也不知道从何开口(HJY:不许偷看)。那就先夸一夸你吧~ 你真漂亮哈哈哈(JS:真不标准)你真漂亮、美得不可方物、人见人爱、花见花开,所以对你的处意象就是一个美女。一开始跟你说话都会不好意思的程度,刚来H队的时候你也很照顾我,对我很热情。当时是有一点儿不太理解我身上哪儿一点儿吸引到你了呵呵 后来与你熟悉了之后还发现你还有点儿傻 傻就傻在有的时候有些时候和事情明明自己明白自己在吃亏,但就是拉不下脸去说出来、傻在遇到事情或者(HJY:哎呀 我在抖)傻到傻在遇到事情或者决定怕出错所以不断地重复确认 向周围人确认几遍以后还要自言自语很多次才肯停下来 可能这就是天秤做吧 就是无限的究诘。然后很高兴能和你成为朋友,在你身边的时候也经常被照顾 比如说我想- 我说:“我想吃面,你帮我煮吧” 你真的煮了!即使我说出来的时候,有时候自己都觉得自己很无理取闹(JS:确实哦 不只煮面哦 HJY:那你也煮了呀 哈哈)然后不管是逛街吃饭还是其他等等,似乎时常有时都不需我来-都不需要我来操心,因为或者是我还在打开地图在找路的时候,你已经“嗯 找好了 走吧 这边走”就是这种呃很靠谱,所以你真的是一个很值得相信很靠谱的人呢!真是我的好姐呀!好,呃喜欢你的可爱 喜欢你的保持童真。希望你真的热爱的东西可以给你带来无限的快乐 希望你再受伤 希望你以后永有更多的勇气 - 在遇见自己想的事情的时候就勇敢去做吧。生日快乐!以后也多多一起玩吧~

JS:郝宝~ 抱抱郝宝 抱抱郝宝


JS:我感觉你没有随便写写嘛 你写得很认真的


JS:是我- 是我无法- 我没有想到你 哎呀呃呃呃




JS:没有 就是


JS:就是 确实我感觉一直以来其实主要是郝宝比较照顾我


JS:因为我觉得是你比较照顾我就是就比如说我经- 有的时候- 之前嘛我不是有很长时间不在嘛,然后我就会 就是会给你发消息会回来我会找你玩 是因为我就是觉得你会很照顾我。就是就是如果让我选择一个人就我觉得她会很照顾我的话,我觉得 嗯郝宝应该会照顾我的,然后我就会找郝宝玩玩

HJY:哈?我觉得你比较照顾我呃 呵呵呵

JS:那 这样挺好的呀




HJY:嗯 对

JS: 再抱抱吧 郝宝?




SYS:就是 那我呢?我还以为我是-

