Xu-Yang Yuzhuo 20221211

Li Jiaen Reads Yuan Yiqi's Birthday Letter

Hi, Yangyang! Initially, I was supposed to perform an epic, explosive, never-seen-before, hundred mark, perfect performance with you today (XYYZ: sigh, she doesn't have this opportunity anymore) but I missed my opportunity. Although, it goes without saying that your birthday stage will still be awesome without this performance — it can reach ninety-nine marks. In my heart, you're someone who has always been pretty perfect. I can ramble to you about my situation and you will listen to me. I always go on and on and say a lot, but you always look confused. I will always remember the first time we met, it was in the changing room. Both of us had just finished changing when our eyes met and you asked me, "Are you from our team?" At that time, I didn't know what to say, so I just nodded. I don't know why but this scene left a deep impression on me. Later on, for some unknown reason, we became close. At that time, things were simple, we were happy and didn't have to worry much. At that time, I wasn't really happy but I gained these few good friends. However, I had a little more admiration for you, because I really like the way you dance — you dance freely in your own style, perhaps I am also like this. Because of this, whenever we practice, Ma laoshi will tell everyone not to follow our moves, she says that we modify the steps. I remember that there was a time where I was upset and got drunk. I ran to your room and said, "You deserve better!" You all laughed at me and even took a video of me but what I said was from the bottom of my heart — I'm not sure if you took me seriously. Time passes so quickly, we all shine in our own time. I'll say it again, "You deserve better." Watching you improve, I think that I have a good eye [for talent]. I have always felt that you are someone who is sincere. Only those who are sincere have flaws, only then will people find fault in you, so I hope that you won’t be affected by what people say. You are really, really great! No matter where you are, no matter which aspect of you, you're really great. So, happy birthday! I wish that you’ll still be dancing with me, even when you're eighty~ Byebye~

XYYZ: I know who wrote this (LJE: right?) I hope that she'll be able to complete an epic, explosive performance with me next time. That's right, it's your loss for not coming this time. To be honest, I have always placed her in a very important position in my life. To be honest, I'm too lazy to listen to most people talk about most things, but for TEAM HII, I always want to be a listening ear when everyone is unhappy. I want to ask people what happened, maybe that makes me seem like a gossip haha. But, to be honest, I really, really care about everyone. Thank you everyone, thank you Qiqi~

Zhang Xin's Birthday Letter

ZX: Alright, I'll start. [Audience makes noise] No, no no, it's just-

XYYZ: Don't have expectations. [ZX: right] She's not good at writing letters, don't expect too much. You're putting a lot of pressure on her

TO Yangjie: I don't need to think about it to know that your birthday stage definitely is amazing today. Although I kept falling sick during this period of time, I watched you constantly run around, planning for your stage from March to July, all the way until December when you finally managed to have this birthday stage.

As I write this letter, it is night time and I'm listening to music. There's a lot I want to say but I don't know where to start, there's too much to say. Even though I'm still that me who doesn't say a lot, spending the past eight years with you, we've been through too much. In the face of rumors and gossip, we have bravely been ourselves. Every time we're exhausted from doing so, we hug each other and cry together, talking from night time until the sun rises. I don't know when I slowly began to understand you better [T/N1] (ZX: I'm a bit nervous, a bit nervous). At times, without even speaking, our eyes meet and I know everything that you're thinking. For many things, you pretend to be strong. You don't talk about it, even if you're actually affected by it. If you're misunderstood, you'll keep thinking about what you should do. So, knowing what you care about, I think that you are careless and a little stubborn at times, but you still care in your heart. (XYYZ: Stubborn? You are the more stubborn one! ZX: No, Libras are all quite stubborn, just that you… I may be more stubborn but you are more stubborn on the surface. It's that- [Audience laughs] [T/N2] You're thinking too much! I just meant that she is from the first half of Libra while I'm from the second half. So, I am relatively- Don't laugh! I'm more of a Libra while she's more like the earlier one. Therefore- Don't laugh! XYYZ: The earlier what? Speak clearly. The earlier zodiac? ZX: Yes, the earlier zodiac. Let's not talk about this anymore. The more I say, the stranger it gets.)

But you still care in your heart [T/N3]. It's like how I rarely see you cry. Once, when you were running a high fever, I went out and wandered around outside. Only when I returned did I realize how high your fever was. At that time, you were lying in bed and crying. I felt horrible that I hadn't been by your side. You are really someone who constantly needs friends to accompany them. You can't go out alone or stay at home alone. Ever since that incident, I told myself: If you are ever alone, I will do anything to be by your side.

XYYZ: Alright then, you won't go out to play sports?

ZX: Ah, wait a minute, wait a minute.

DM: Don't worry, we'll accompany her when ZX exercises.

ZX: Just like Ah Meng said that she keeps wanting to come over, she actually can. Then, if I go out to exercise, Ah Meng can accompany her, just like how Ah Meng is wearing my clothes now.

XYYZ: She said-

GS: Which fanfic is this?

ZX: No it's, Ah Meng, Ah Meng- What did you say?

DM: What fanfic are you talking about?

GS: Wan Wan Lei Qing [T/N4]

XYYZ: Do you think I don't have eyes? Do you think I couldn't see?

ZX: It's not that, it's like that picture of us hanging over our bed.

NYP: Hanging over whose bed?

ZX: Just, our bed… bed bed…

NYP: Your shared bed?

ZX: Yes, yes yes yes yes yes.

This year, we

ZX: Wait a minute, let me read first. Didn’t you say you were going to cry? Why do I feel that you keep laughing? It’s all your fault! [T/N5]

XYYZ: To be honest, I’m already not in the mood because of you. Thank you.

ZX: Am I that funny?

XYYZ: Thank you, one-eyed. [T/N6]

ZX: Ah, save me. When I was writing this letter, I actually thought that I was being quite emotional. I may have deluded myself.

XYYZ: Don’t laugh when you speak, be a little more serious.

ZX: Okay

This year, we experienced a lot of mixed feelings. After Chinese New Year, we went into lockdown and felt anxious everyday. (XYYZ: Actually, only you were anxious. You would stand by the desk like this. Then, when you listened to music, you would suddenly cry. Then, I said: ZX look at this. [T/N7] ZX: Why am I being laughed at again? I want to say, I felt that you were actually quite happy at that time because you were playing games everyday. While I was crying everyday, I would hear her saying: charge, charge! Hit him, hit him! Maybe I was too self-absorbed at that time.)

Later on was Best Partners. Initially, we just wanted more opportunities to perform but then things didn't go so smoothly. Just like that song we wrote, we wanted a perfect beginning but suddenly it did not go as planned. At that time, we were both more emo but our personalities make it such that both of us like to communicate in our own way. In a blink of an eye, it’s already the end of the year. This year, we have really experienced a lot, we've seen a lot but I'm still me and you're still you. No matter how our relationship may change in the future, you will still be the person who knows me the best, the only person who is able to find me when I am most upset, when I am unhappy, when I disappear. You are somebody that I cannot lack in my life, Xu-Yang Yuzhuo. 

ZX: Alright, I’m done reading

XYYZ: To be honest, I think that this is the best letter she's ever written

ZX: You know, when I was writing this letter, I just happened to be listening to <In This Noisy Word> [T/N8]. I looped this song as I started writing and managed to finish the letter. 

XYYZ: During the time where I was constantly rehearsing, I saw that she was always doing sports so I was really upset! The topic we talked about was where we wanted to go, what we wanted to do today and she said to me, "Hey, let's play football tomorrow. It'll be fun." I said, "I already played during the sports meet." But she kept inviting me, even though I didn't want to go. I hope that you can accompany me to do what I want to do next time.

ZX: Right, just like I said, you accompany me to play football and I'll accompany you to dance.

XYYZ: But I don't want to play football with you!!!

ZX: We can do a different sport, we can surf

XYYZ: That's too dangerous! If other people knock into you, you'll go flying

ZX: That's true, that day I…

XYYZ: If you don't believe me, ask DM!

DM: Huh? What happened?

XYYZ: We're talking about football, tell her that it’s dangerous

DM: Just like this, I was sent flying

ZX: That's true, the other day when I was playing at night, I was really sent flying

XYYZ: That's right, so I'm normally very worried about your safety. Just return healthy and safe.

ZX: It's okay, it seems that we have already decided that we will play together when everything ends, then we will return to Guangzhou. We also plan to go abroad during January to play.

[XYYZ has no response]

ZX: You agreed!

XYYZ: Don’t just say anything. What if we don't go and others ask me why we didn't go?

ZX: I said that I asked her if she wanted to go with me and she agreed saying that she wants to go

XYYZ: I want to go, I also want to have a trip with everyone because of the previous team building

ZX: No worries, we can replan. At that time, we said that we wanted to plan to go to Macau for team building.

XYYZ: It doesn't matter, we can play Honor of Kings [T/N9] next time.

ZX: After being busy today, we can be happy tomorrow

XYYZ: Yeah! It's your miserable day, jiayou jiayou!

T/N1: ZX mispronounces a wordT/N2: The word she's using for "stubborn" literally means "mouth is hard" and the audience keeps reacting to ZX talking about XYYZ's mouthT/N3: ZX repeats herself, same line as what she said before the above section in bracketsT/N4: Reference to a dramaT/N5: Said to the audienceT/N6: ZX is wearing an eyepatch during thisT/N7: XYYZ proceeds to mimic ZXT/N8: A song by ZX and XYYZT/N9: An online game

Xu-Yang Yuzhuo's Response

I'll give my response then. I just- Because of time constraints it might not be possible- It's just that I feel, it was my wish to be able to complete this by December, just like I said in the VCR. And then, before that- Everyone knows that I wrote a song for this little girl that loves me. I hope that everyone can cherish the present because I am really sad over this. She really wanted to see my stage, but she isn't able to see it anymore. However, I just hope that everyone will be able to come see me a few times when they have the time. Thank you everyone. I wish that everyone will be safe, health is the most important, thank you everyone.



嗨羊羊!原本我今天应该和你一起完成一波史级炸裂惊艳全场一百分史无前例完美表演(XYYZ:哼 她没有这个机会了)很可惜我错过了,但想都不用想,没有了这个节目的羊间公演也会很棒,能到九十九分。在我心里,你是一直都挺完美的。我会跟你吐槽我的事情,在我这里其实你的身份是倾听者。我总是噼里啪啦给你输出一大堆,但是你总会一脸懵。我永远不会忘记我们第一次见面的时候是在换衣间。刚穿上衣服我们四目相对,你问我:你是我们队的吗?我当时不知道说什么,就点了点头。但是不知道这一幕就非常非常的深刻。后来不知道怎么的,我们就玩在了一起。那时候真的很简单,很快乐,不用在意很多。那时候是我不算很开心的时候,收获你们这几个好朋友。但可能对于你,我会多一点点欣赏,因为很喜欢你跳舞的样子,很自由很有自己的感觉,可能我也是这样的人,所以每次排练的时候,马老师都要让大家不要看着我们的动作学习,说我们魔改动作。我记得我又一次心情不好,喝酒了跑来你们屋跟你说:你值得更好的!你们都笑我,还拿手机录我。但我说的都是肺腑之言,不知道你有没有当真哦。时间也过的很快,我们仿佛都在有一些时刻拥有了自己的光。我就说吧:你值得更好的。看到你越来越好,我觉得自己眼光也真的很好。我也一直觉得你是真诚的真实的。真诚真实的才是有破绽的,才有会贝抓到把柄的,所以希望你不要被很多言论影响。但你真的真的很好哦!不管哪里都很好。所以,生日快乐。那我就祝你八十了还在跟我一起跳舞喽~ 拜拜



ZX:那我,我来了哦 【观众发声】没有,没有没有就是

XYYZ:不要有期待 (ZX:对)她都不太会写信的,不要有期待。你们这样子搞到人家就是压力很大的

ZX:确实呵 谢谢,羊姐啊

TO羊姐:今天的生日公演不用想都知道肯定很棒。虽然这段时间一直生病,可是看到你一直往外跑去排练东西,从三月到七月终于在十二月办成了生日公演(XYYZ:又扎我两刀 ZX:sorry~)。

在写这个生祝的时候是一个晚上听着歌,想说的很多,可我竟然不知道从哪里开始说起,因为想说的实在太多了。虽然我还是那个不会说话的我,去过的这八年我们经历了太多,顶着流言蜚语一直勇敢的做着自己的我们,每一次扛的很累的时候我们就一起抱着哭,深夜说话到天亮。不知道从何开始慢慢的变得越来越了解里- 你了(ZX:有点紧张,有点紧张),有时候可能不需要说用眼神就知道你想的一切。有很多事情你都假装坚强,嘴上无意说说,可是其实你对这件事情也是非常的在意,但是如果被人想错你的点,你就一直在想这个点该怎么办,所以知道你在意的地方我觉得有时候的你大大咧咧还有些嘴硬,可是你内心还是很在意(XYYZ:最嘴硬这个事情,你是最嘴硬的吧!ZX:没有,天枰座都挺嘴硬的啊,就你。。。我可能比较更加嘴硬,你就是上面比较嘴硬,就是- 【观众笑】想太多!我就是说她是那个天秤座的,上- 就是天秤座的那个-天秤座前半月,我是天秤座的后半月。就是我是比较完完全全的后半月- 不要笑!我是完完全全的天秤座,然后她可能是比较偏前夕一点吧。对,然后- 不要笑- XYYZ:前什么?你好好说清楚。前期?ZX:呃 前期,别说了。越说越奇怪)

然后,可是你内心还是在意跟很细心的人,就像我很少看到你哭。有一次你生病发高烧的时候,那段时间我出去了外面瞎逛,然后回来才知道你发了那么高的烧。那时候,你躺在床上一直的哭,其实我真的非常难受,没能好好陪你。你真的是一个非常需要朋友陪伴的人,一直在身边,你就不能一个人出去或一个人在家。自从那次之后,我也告诉自己:如果你一个人的话,我无论如何怎么也要去陪你。(XYYZ:好哦,你不玩运动嘛?ZX:啊 等一下,等一下。就是说有时候运动的时候你不是也在外边那个去跳舞去了吧?DM:没事,张昕运动的时候我们来陪她。ZX:就像阿萌说我一直想来你们家,其实可以来。那如果我去运动的时候就阿萌陪陪,就像阿萌现在穿着我的衣服一样。XYYZ:她说- GS:什么提神文学啊?ZX:不是,阿萌,阿萌-你说什么?DM:你在搞些什么文学啊?GS:菀菀类卿 XYYZ:我是没有眼睛吗?我看不清楚是吧?ZX:没有,就是想我们那个床头挂着是我们俩的照片一样 NYP:挂在谁的床头? ZX:就我们那个床床床 NYP:你们的床头?ZX:对 对对对对对)

今年的我们(ZX:等一下,先让我念完。不是说要哭嘛,怎么感觉她一直在笑 都怪你们!XYYZ:说实话,我已经从情绪中走出来了,因为你,谢谢你 ZX:我是很搞笑吗?XYYZ:谢谢你独眼侠 ZX:啊,救命,我写这封信的时候明明觉得自己非常感动,我可能自我沉浸了 XYYZ:你讲的时候别笑,你严肃一点 ZX:好)今年的我们其实内心五味杂陈,过完年回来我们就被封控了,每天都非常的捉急。(XYYZ:其实是你在捉急,你在书桌门口这样。然后在听歌,听着个突然流泪了。然后我说:张昕你看 ZX:怎么有开始被搞笑了,我真想说,虽然那个时候我觉得你非常的快乐可能是因为你每天都有游戏的陪伴。我每天哭着一半的时候,她说:上啊上啊,打他打他。我就感觉我在自我沉浸当时在)




























我就说说我自己的话吧。我就是- 因为时常问题可能就是没办法的,然后很- 呃 就是我觉得 呃 十二月能完成这个事情是了了我自己的一个心愿,就像VCR上写的一样。然后之前就是- 大家都知道我有一首歌是写给一个很爱我的小女孩,然后我也希望大家可以都珍惜现在因为我觉得我很难过- 我就是就是她就很想看我舞台,可是她现在看不到了,但是我就是很希望大家能够能来的时候就是来看我几眼。就是这样,谢谢大家。然后祝大家都平安健康这是最重要的,谢谢大家。