Greene, N., Kass, M., & Miller, G. (1993, September). Hierarchical Z-buffer visibility. In Proceedings of the 20th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques (pp. 231-238). ACM. (ncsu) See also Greene's dissertation.
E. Haines & T. Moeller. 1999. Occlusion culling algorithms. Excerpted from E. Haines & T. Moeller. 1999. Real-time rendering. AK Peters.
Akenine-Moller, T., Haines, E., & Hoffman, N. (2018). Acceleration algorithms. In sections 19.5-19.8 in Real-Time Rendering. AK Peters/CRC Press. (ncsu)
Stephen Hill and Daniel Collin. 2011. Practical, dynamic visibility for games.
M. Wimmer and J. Bittner. 2005. Ch.6 : hardware occlusion queries made useful. In M. Pharr, ed., GPU Gems 2, Addison-Wesley.
Dean Sekulic. 2004. Ch. 29: efficient occlusion culling. In R. Fernando, ed., GPU Gems, Addison-Wesley.
Cohen-Or, D., Y. Chrysanthou, C. Silva, and F. Durand. 2003. A Survey of Visibility for Walkthrough Applications. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 9, 3, 412–431.
David Luebke and Chris Georges. 1995. Portals and mirrors: simple, fast evaluation of potentially visible sets. In Proceedings of the 1995 symposium on Interactive 3D graphics (I3D '95). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 105-ff. Related site. (ncsu)
D. Franklin. 2004. Occlusion Culling Using DirectX 9. On
tsherif occlusion culling demo.
On Quicktime VR at apple, which Ned was involved in.
engine refs
unity: frustum, occlusion, optimization, occlusionblog, areas