Pauline Sales 

Bioscience Internship: Cel Analytical

Internship Mentor: Dr. Yeggie Dearborn

Poster: EPA 1600 & EPA 1604 Enterococci and Coliform Detection and Enumeration

Pauline did her internship at Cel Analytical, a commercial lab that regularly monitors water at the local and state level to make sure their clients are complying with EPA requirements. She will complete the CCSF Lab Assistant Certificate this semester and is working towards completion of the CCSF Stem Cell Certificate and applying for the CIRM Stem Cell Internship. Pauline became interested in biotechnology due to a family history with cancer. She is particularly interested in cancer immunotherapy and working in both academia and industry. 

Pauline Sales - EPA 1600 and EPA 1604 Enterococci and Coliform Detection and Enumeration.pdf