Goal 1.1: Develop and maintain a qualified and diverse public health workforce

How will we know if we achieve this goal? (click to see more)

Objective 1.1.a. By December 2024, increase the percentage of CCHD staff that state the organization is dedicated to their professional development from the 2022 baseline of 67% to 85%.


Objective 1.1.b. By December 2024, increase the percentage of CCHD staff that state they are satisfied with the job related training the organization offers from the 2022 baseline of 62% to 85%.


Objective 1.1.c. By December 2024, 100% of Tier 1 staff will complete a competency assessment, 100% of Tier 1, 2, and 3 staff will identify a public health domain that they need to improve in, and 100% of Tier 1, 2, and 3 staff will complete at least one training in their identified domain.


Objective 1.1.d. By December 2024, 100% of Tier 2&3 staff will complete leadership training each year and 100% of Tier 2 staff will select at least one Tier 1 staff member to complete a leadership training each year.


Objective 1.1.e. By December 2024, CCHD will host at least three interns or service learning students from local high schools/colleges and 100% of CCHD interns will meet with supervisors to discuss performance and career goals.


Objective 1.1.f. By December 2024, increase the percentage of CCHD staff that state the organization is dedicated to diversity and inclusiveness from the 2022 baseline of 76% to 85%.

How do we plan on achieving this goal?

Competency Assessment and Trainings

Involve staff at all levels in identifying a method for assessing staff competency in the eight domains of public health and creating a list of trainings related to each domain. Require staff to complete the competency assessment and to select at least one training from the list to complete in an area in need of improvement.

Professional Development Days

Implement and evaluate quarterly professional development days. These will be utilized by all staff to complete or research upcoming trainings and conferences. They will incorporate speakers to present on diversity, equity, and inclusion and other professional development topics. 

Succession Planning

Continue to strategize internal department succession planning and encourage/provide leadership training and educational opportunities for high potential, invested employees. 

Interns and Students

Partner with local colleges and high schools to recruit interns/service learning students and to guest lecture and provide presentations related to public health as a career choice. 

Foundational Capabilities/Areas Workforce

Advocate to maintain funding for the minimum recommended number of full-time equivalents (FTE’s) in the Public Health Foundational Areas and Capabilities to provide appropriate public health services to our community.  

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training

Implement trainings on diversity, equity, and inclusion into the Workforce Development Plan