Goal 2.3: Ensure, maintain, and enhance effective internal communications between leadership, supervisors, and staff

How will we know if we achieve this goal? (click to see more)

Objective 2.3.a. By December 2024, increase the percentage of CCHD staff that state communication between senior leaders and employees is good in my organization from the 2022 baseline of 58% to 70%.

Objective 2.3.b. By December 2024, increase the percentage of CCHD staff that state they have a good relationship with their supervisor from the 2022 baseline of 87% to 95%.

How do we plan on achieving this goal?

Instant Messaging

Implement a HIPAA compliant instant messaging system that allows for real time access to leadership/supervisory staff, topic grouping, information sharing, and user activity logs to track productivity. 

Staff Meetings and Annual Meeting

Conduct monthly staff meetings for supervisory staff and within each division, supervisors to review supervisory staff meeting highlights with all division staff, Public Health Director to attend staff meeting of each division quarterly, and hold an annual department-wide staff meeting. 

Supervisory Relationships

Engage all levels of staff in developing a process for dialogue between supervisors and supervisees and implement at least once yearly one-on-one meetings between supervisors and each of their staff. 

Employee Newsletter

Distribute quarterly employee newsletters that include a message from the Public Health Director, highlight division successes, upcoming events, and provide other pertinent information.