Goal 3.3: Enhance collaboration with the Cortland County Board (BOH) and Cortland County Legislature

How will we know if we achieve this goal? (click to see more)

Objective 3.3.a. By December 2024, at least two BOH knowledge gaps will be identified via BOH surveys, interviews, or via patterns in BOH meeting minutes and addressed with BOH education. (revised April 2023)

Objective 3.3.b. By December 2024, CHIP, SP, and Performance Management data will be presented to the BOH in each quarter.

Objective 3.3.c. By December 2024, at least two BOH/CCHD joint press releases will be issued and at least one policy/law will be reviewed by the BOH.

Objective 3.3.d. By December 2024, a CCHD staff member will have attended 100% of Health and Human Service Legislative Committee Meetings.


Objective 3.3.e. By December 2024, CCHD staff will have presented at least two project reports each to the Health and Human Services Legislative Committee and Cortland County Board of Health.

Objective 3.3.f. By December 2024, the percentage of BOH members that state they are aware of identified health department plans and policies will be 100% (added April 2023).

Objective 3.3.g By December 2024, the number of programs that at least two BOH members are not aware of will decrease from the 2023 baseline of 10 to 5 (added April 2023).

How do we plan on achieving this goal?

Enhance BOH Education on Public Health Matters in Cortland County

Address identified gaps in BOH knowledge on Health Department plans, policies, and programs through training, presentations, and the performance management system. (updated April 2023, see full report for information on original strategy).

BOH Input on Plans

Present CHIP, CCHD Strategic Planning, and CCHD Performance Management data on a quarterly basis to the BOH and utilize their expertise, opinions, and suggestions to make changes to interventions if needed. BOH input to be shared at supervisory staff meetings. 

Joint BOH Press Releases and Policy Review

Issue CCHD/BOH joint press releases that include BOH comment on emergent health topics or events in the community and engage and seek BOH on reviews of policy and law that may impact public health in Cortland County. 

Attendance at Legislative Sessions

Cortland County staff members to attend Health and Human Services meetings and Legislative Sessions to report and get legislative feedback on projects, staffing and other program needs, and be available to answer questions.