Arrow to the Future

The main goal of this program is to strengthen the involvement and connection of Junior- High students to school and to improve scholastic achievements by connecting the material studied to the students' future and to various desirable careers. English teachers integrate content on the future career world into the regular curriculum, in a manner that makes the lesson relevant to the students' lives. Teachers, who join the program, receive training and mentoring during the academic year. The program includes activities with parents and the surrounding community. For example, students meet with employers, key figures in the municipality and go to local colleges. The program is designed for all students in the class and does not distinguish between different levels of study. Accordingly, the program encourages gender-based thinking and investigation, and raises questions among students regarding the normative structures of roles for women and roles for men in the labor market in addition to practicing skills related to learning functions in the 21st century (group work, presentation, independent learning, etc.). To learn more you can contact Dana Friedman at

Arrow to the Future